کنفرانس ملی معماری، شهرسازی، هنر، طراحی صنعتی، ساخت و فناوری حکمت بنیان


جزئیات نحوه اخذ دروس جبرانی مخصوص دانشجویان دوره‌های دکتری تخصصی دانشگاه آزاد (98/8/20)

ایران کنفرانس

جزئیات نحوه اخذ دروس جبرانی برای دانشجویان دکتری تخصصی دانشگاه آزاد

به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر به نقل از دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، عبدالحسین خسروپناه معاون علوم انسانی و هنر دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی و جواد علمائی معاون علوم، مهندسی و کشاورزی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی دستورالعمل تکمیلی دروس جبرانی مخصوص دانشجویان دوره‌های دکتری تخصصی را ابلاغ کردند.

به منظور افزایش کیفیت برگزاری دوره‌های دکتری تخصصی، تقویت بنیه علمی دانشجویان و شفاف سازی بخشنامه ها و دستورالعمل‌های پیشین، دروس جبرانی برای تمام دانشجویان با آزمون و بدون آزمون صرف نظر از حد نصاب نمره خام مأخوذه در آزمون دوره دکتری تخصصی اعلام شد.

براساس بندهای این دستورالعمل دروس جبرانی الزامی مشترک برای تمام پذیرفته شدگان شامل درس جبرانی روش تحقیق، مقاله و رساله نویسی پیشرفته به ارزش دو واحد نظری و درس جبرانی زبان تخصصی پیشرفته به ارزش دو واحد نظری است.

همچنین دروس جبرانی غیرمشترک برای دانشجویانی که مقاطع کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد آنها مرتبط و متجانس با رشته تحصیلی دوره دکتری تخصصی است، چنانچه گروه تخصصی مربوطه، دانشجو را از نظر علمی نیازمند به گذراندن دروس جبرانی تشخیص دهد، حداکثر تا سقف ۶ واحد درسی (علاوه بر ۴ واحد دروس جبرانی مشترک) با در نظر گرفتن سوابق تحصیلی، با تأیید شورای آموزشی واحد دانشگاهی تعیین و ارائه می‌شود.

در این دستورالعمل آمده دروس جبرانی غیرمشترک برای دانشجویانی که یکی از مقاطع تحصیلی کارشناسی یا کارشناسی ارشد آنها متجانس با رشته دکتری تخصصی باشد، با در نظر گرفتن سوابق تحصیلی در مقاطع قبلی، دروس جبرانی تا سقف ۶ واحد درسی (شامل دروس مقطع کارشناسی یا مقطع کارشناسی ارشد متناسب با رشته تحصیلی در مقطع دکتری تخصصی، علاوه بر چهار واحد دروس جبرانی مشترک) به تشخیص گروه آموزشی مربوطه و با تأیید شورای آموزشی واحد دانشگاهی تعیین و ارائه می‌شود.

همچنین دروس جبرانی غیرمشترک برای دانشجویانی که هیچ کدام از مقاطع تحصیلی (کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد) آنها متجانس و مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی دوره دکتری تخصصی نباشد، ملزم به گذراندن شش واحد دروس جبرانی از مقطع کارشناسی (علاوه بر چهار واحد درس جبرانی مشترک) متناسب با رشته تحصیلی دوره دکتری تخصصی است.

گفتنی است؛ دانشجویان دوره دکتری تخصصی که مدرک پایه آنها، مدرک دکتری حرفه ای است، علاوه بر گذراندن دروس جبرانی مشترک باید دروس جبرانی غیرمشترک را مانند دانشجویانی که هیچکدام از مقاطع تحصیلی آنها متجانس و مرتبط با رشته تحصیلی دکتری تخصصی نیست، بگذرانند.

براساس بندهای این دستورالعمل سقف مجموع دروس جبرانی مشترک و غیرمشترک نباید از ۱۰ واحد درسی بیشتر شده و شایسته است زمان ارائه دروس جبرانی در اولین نیمسال تحصیلی باشد. همچنین نمره قبولی دروس جبرانی تابع مقررات آموزشی دوره دکتری تخصصی است.

در این دستورالعمل تأکید شده دروس جبرانی با نظر و تأیید گروه آموزشی مربوطه قابل معادل سازی است.

این دستورالعمل برای تمام دانشجویان شاغل به تحصیل از نیمسال اول ۹۹-۹۸ لازم الاجراست و سایر دستورالعمل ها و بخشنامه های مغایر آن لغو اعلام می شود.


IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies

IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT'20)

***** The deadline for submissions has been extended to November 15th, 2019. *****

Call For Papers

IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT'20)

We are pleased to invite you to IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT'20). ICIoT 2020 will be held on 2nd-5th February, 2020 in Doha, Qatar. The goal of ICIoT is to report high-quality research on recent advances in various aspects of informatics, artificial intelligence, IoT applications, smart services, computer vision and use of enabling technologies to make future connectivity and its applications available, affordable, scalable and efficient. Authors are solicited to submit complete, previously unpublished contributions to the following six sessions: AI, computer vision, informatics, IoT, enabling technologies and e-Health.

Paper Submission Deadline: 1st Nov, 2019 Extended to: 15th Nov, 2019

Submit Your Paper Now!

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and the accepted papers will be published by IEEE which is indexed by Scopus. Furthermore, the selected papers will be published in the special issues of prestigious international journals after further revision.


Important Conference Deadlines

Last Date for Paper Submission: 1st Nov, 2019 - Extended to: 15th Nov, 2019
Notification of acceptance: 15 th Dec, 2019
Last Date for Camera Ready Paper and Registration: 1st Jan, 2020
Conference date: Feb 2nd – 5th, 2020

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید


7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020

Dear Colleague,

7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020 (GWS2020)
15-16 June 2020 - Singapore

Unique Conferences Canada and International Center for Research and Development with their global conference partners wish to announce that the 7th International Conference on Gender and Women's Studies 2020 will be held on 15-16 June, 2020 in Singapore for the seventh time.

GWS2020 is a two day interactive international forum which will create a platform for Academics, Practitioners, Researchers, Professionals and students to come together, and review their research findings, exchange ideas and discuss emerging trends in Gender and Women's studies.

The abstracts of the registered presenters will be published in the printed conference book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) as well as online with the ISSN 2659-2460. The online publication will be forwarded for Indexing to ISI/Thomson Reuters. Also, the registered presenters will get the opportunity to submit their full papers to the journals mentioned in the conference website


- ISI/Thomson Reuters index Publication
- Four supporting journals (https://womenstudies.info/journals/)
- Skill development workshops (https://womenstudies.info/expert-dialogue/)
- Global audience
- World class speakers
- Valuable certificate for presentation

You are cordially invited to submit an abstract to this important conference and to register for the conference in order to schedule your presentation and to get your abstract published. The early bird registration deadline is 30 December 2019.

For more details please visit the conference website: http://www.womenstudies.info/

Given below are some useful links:

Abstract Submission Guidelines:


Registration Details: https://womenstudies.info/registration/


Abstracts Submission Deadline: 15 May 2020
Registration Deadline: 20 May 2020
Paper Submission Deadline: 30 May 2020

We hope to meet you in Singapore!


International Conference on Arts and Cultures

October 1-2, 2020 | Universidad de Cádiz | Cádiz, Andalusia - Spain

The International Conference on Arts and Cultures is an important space for the exchange of ideas and practices among international researchers, functioning as an interdisciplinary forum and as a seed for future collaborative projects. The conference will feature prominent speakers and posters, workshops and seminars given by professors, researchers and specialists from the public and private sectors in three different languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

In 2020, the main topic of the conference will be

When defining the work The cinema as a subversive art of the Austrian-born film critic Amos Vogel, the II International Conference on Arts and Cultures uses the same title of this work as a reference, not to limit itself to those desires or tastes of Viennese by censored films for its disturbing content and with explicitly sexual or violent images, but for seeing in the cinema, in addition to the above, an inciting, answering, transforming, avant-garde and critical art. In short, it is to appreciate from the beginning of the cinema its competences to be art and its capacity as a catalyst for socio-cultural changes, at national and international level.

Delegates can also submit a proposal addressing one of the recurring topics of the conference:

Topic 1: Art, Culture, and Society
Topic 2: Management of Culture and the Arts
Topic 3: Cultural and Artistic Heritage
Topic 4: Curating, History of Art, and the Art Market
Topic 5: Theory of Art and Contemporary Esthetic
Topic 6: Art, Technology, and the Media

Selected conference papers will be published in "The International Arts and Cultures Review".

The next DEADLINE for submitting a proposal to the conference (i.e., a title and an abstract) is DECEMBER 9th, 2019.

TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL, please visit:

For further information, please visit:

Scientific Committee
International Conference on Arts and Cultures


5th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology 2020

Call for papers: ICSP2020 - 5th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology 2020
19th - 21st of March 2020
Bali, Indonesia

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://www.spirituality-conference.org
Organized by: Tomorrow People Organization

Tomorrow People Organization invites you to our 5th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology - (ICSP2020). This highly exciting and challenging international Conference is intended to be a forum, discussion and networking place for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and others interested in the fields of spirituality, psychology and education.

5th Annual International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology (ICSP 2020) will provide unlimited resources and opportunities to interact with prominent leaders in the fields and greatly expand on your global network of scholars and professionals.

We welcome: ORAL, POSTER and VIRTUAL presentations. Early submissions are strongly encouraged due to limited space in the venue, as applications are reviewed on a rolling admission basis by February 1st 2020 or until space is available.

The conference topics include, but are not limited to:

Spirituality: Ascension, Channeling, Astral projection and OBE, Cognitive psychology, Energy of life, The God Particle, Evolution of consciousness, DNA activation, Indigo kids, Light, Singularities, Black Hole, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Meditation, dimensions and chakras, Nature of consciousness - computational vs. omnipresent theories, Paradigm shift, Pineal Gland theories, Psychology, Quantum Physics and spirituality, Religion, Sacred geometry, flower of life, Sacred geometry of the ancients, Science delusion, Spirituality and Medical Practice, Thoughts and the illusion of material world, Universal and scientific spirituality, Vibrational nature of the universe, Yoga, etc.

Psychology: Biological psychology, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral and Cultural Factors, Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, Consulting psychology, Educational Psychology, Empowerment and quality of life, Environmental and cultural psychology, Ethical Issues, Importance and Criticism, Cultural Traditions, Experimental psychology, Mental Diseases and psychotherapy, Parenting and caring, Positive psychology, Psychology of family, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychology of Religion, School and Health Psychology, Social Psychology, Social Development, Personality, Cultural Norms, Interpersonal Phenomena, Spirituality and Clinical Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, etc.

Applications are accepted online at: http://www.spirituality-conference.org/apply.html

Papers presented at the conference will be published in a ISBN publication of ICSP2020 Conference Proceedings.

ICSP 2020 Scientific Committee:

Dr. Venkataramanan Krishnamurthy, Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute, India
Dr. Khalid Bazaid, Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre/University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Margaret Trey, Center for Traumatic Stress Research, Xavier University of Louisiana/ The Beauty of Life, Inc., USA
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt, VIBHA (Uttarakhand) India
Dr. Michael Ireland, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Dr. Ritu Singh, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India

ICSP 2019 was a great success and we expect for ICSP2020 to exceed it!

In addition to existing presentations, ICSP2020 will host award winning workshops conducted by former rock stars:

1) Rock to Recovery: Experience the Powerful Healing of Playing in a Band

One of the challenges facing mental health professionals is getting people to stay in treatment for sufficient time for the treatment to have an impact. To attain positive treatment outcomes, professionals can include complementary therapies in treatment protocols. Rock to Recovery is a music program that has proven results motivating individuals to stay in treatment and engage in their recovery process more fully. How? Rock to Recovery harnesses the power of playing music and singing. By engaging in group process writing a song, performing it, and uploading it to the web as a touchstone and reminder of a positive experience, Rock to Recovery participants, mostly non-musicians, are able to reap the neurological benefits of playing music. This is an interactive session, in which participants will have the opportunity to participate in the rockstar songwriting process.
By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

1. Identify how music has positive short-term effects on mood and attitude.
2. Detail the ways in which music programs can keep people in treatment for mental health concerns and motivate them to participate more fully in their recovery.
3. Engage with music in new ways to use music to promote health and healing.
4. Use musical performance to change personal perception of life’s challenges.

2) Core Energetics: Dislodging Emotion Trapped in the Body

Neo-Reichian and other somatic theories suggest that trauma and emotions get trapped in the body, causing the blockage of energetic pathways (similar to principles of qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic prana). This energetic dysfunction can have profound psychospiritual repercussions. Breathwork and somatic processing can be used to treat trauma, addiction, depression, and anxiety, and aid in improving emotional well-being. This process is especially well-suited for clients with profound or persistent dissociation, expressed in talk therapy. In this session, participants will learn about somatic processing, particularly Core Energetics, and in a group, engage in the use of holotropic breathwork.
By the end of the session, the participant will be able to:

1. Define higher self, lower self, and mask concepts.
2. Detail the ways in which holotropic and other kinds of breathwork connect mind and body and clear energetic pathways.
3. Use breathwork to improve perspective on life’s difficulties

ICSP2020 is proud to partner with ONEWORLD, as the official airline alliance of the conference, offering up to 20% discount on airfares to the ICSP2020 participants and accompanying persons.

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ایران کنفرانس

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