MPOB International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition (PIPOC 2023)

MPOB International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition (PIPOC 2023)

Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) will be organizing MPOB International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition (PIPOC) on 7 - 9 November 2023 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with the theme of 'Navigating Uncertainties Building Resilience'.

The largest Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition is back! PIPOC 2023 features four concurrent conferences Agriculture, Biotechnology and Sustainability (ABS), Downstream and Value Addition (DVA), Processing, Food Safety and Nutrition (PFSN), Global Economics and Marketing (GEM) with more than 2000 participants, 200 speakers and 200 poster presenters. With over 400 booths from Hall 1-Hall 5 KLCC, this will be a strategic platform for interaction and in-depth deliberation on the many facets of the crop ranging from innovations, latest policy developments, challenges and the way forward for the industry as well as excellent networking opportunities. Informative technical tours to oil palm plantation, palm oil mill, refinery and 'R and D' facilities are currently being arranged. A golf tournament is also in store for all the golf enthusiasts.

Visit PIPOC 2023 website at for latest information. Don't miss this great opportunity!


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