University of Ottawa Admission Scholarship 2023-24 in Canada (Master and PhD)

University of Ottawa Admission Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for the University of Ottawa Admission Scholarship 2023-24 in Canada. The Scholarship is open to all Canadian and International Students from all over the world for the degree of Master’s and PhD at the University of Ottawa. Students who got admission in the university will be considered for these scholarships.

Ottawa University is offering all academic fields and majors for International Students to pursue their Postgraduate Degree programs. The university will provide funding for students against tuition fee and others.

As the College of Bytown, the University of Ottawa that was originated in 1848, and it is a bilingual public research university in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The university provides a wide range of academic programs. The University of Ottawa provides an education that leads you to the next level by engaging in paid, professional, career-related, employment opportunities specific to your discipline.

Financial Benefits:

The University of Ottawa is providing the educational bursary of $7,500 per year for Master’s degree and $9,000 per Year for PhD degree.

Eligibility Criteria for Scholarships in Canada:

  • Eligible Countries: Applications are accepted from all over the world.

  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Masters or Doctoral degree in any subject stream

  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must maintain a minimum admission average of 8.0 / 10 and have to enrol in the master’s degree program.

  • Required Documents:

    Applicants have to submit the following document while apply for University of Ottawa Admission Scholarship 2023-24 in Canada:

  • Documents: Must attach your CV, letter of recommendation, copy of passport and academic transcripts.
  • Admission Requirements: Students must hold an honors bachelor’s degree (4 years) with an average of 70%, or B.
  • Language Requirement: Aspirants must complete one of the following tests (taken no later than two years prior to the date of registration in the program):
  • TOEFL: Internet-based test with a minimum of 24 in each of the four skills
  • IELTS: with a minimum of 7.0 in each of the four skills
  • MELAB: with a minimum of 90 in listening, reading and writing, and a minimum of 3+ in speaking
  • CANTEST: with a minimum of 4.5 in each of the four skills
  • CAEL TEST: with a minimum of 70 in each of the four skills
  • PTE TEST: with a minimum of 65 in each of the four skills

آخرین بروزرسانی (شنبه ، 3 دی 1401 ، 14:28)


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