Toyohashi University of Technology MEXT Scholarship 2023-24 in Japan (Master and PhD)

Toyohashi University of Technology MEXT Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for the Toyohashi University of Technology MEXT Scholarship 2023-24 in Japan. Government of Japan is offering Scholarships at Toyohashi University of Technology. All International Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for Fully Funded Toyohashi University of Technology Scholarships for the degree of Master’s and PhD. Japanese Government Scholarships are available for the academic session of 2023-2024.

Knowledge of Japanese Language, IELTS/TOEFL is not mandatory for Japanese Scholarships. You can submit an English Language proficiency certificate from your university for the MEXT Japan Scholarship 2021 to Study in Japan on Scholarship. The Duration of the Master’s Degree Scholarship is 2 Years whereas for Doctoral Degree Scholarship is 3 Years.

Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) was established in 1976 located in Aichi, Japan. Japan is a very good choice for education. Students from allover the world are studying in Japan. Here is the golden chance for you to study in Japan for Free.

Financial Benefits:

MEXT Japanese Scholarships are Full Free Scholarships for International Students in Japan & will cover Most of the expenses of the Student.

Monthly Allowance:

    • 143,000 JPY Per Month (Research Students).
    • 144,000 Yen/Month (for a student of a Master’s Program).
    • 145,000 Yen/Month (for a student of a Doctoral Program).
    • Arrival Air Ticket & Return Air ticket will be provided by the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship.
    • Application Fee, Admission Fee, Tuition Fees will be Borne by the Toyohashi University of Technology Japanese Government Scholarship.

About the MEXT Japan Scholarship?

MEXT Stands for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships For Bachelors, Master & Doctoral Degree in the fields which you have studied in Your Country.

  • Eligibility Criteria:

    Applicants have to fulfill the given below criteria while applying for Toyohashi University of Technology MEXT Scholarship:

  • All International Students outside Japan.
  • Applicant Must holds a Bachelor’s Degree for Master Degree Program.
  • Applicant Must Hold a Master’s Degree for Doctoral Degree Program.
  • Applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1987.
  • English Test Score or English Certificate from University.

Application Deadline:

The last date to apply for Japanese Government Scholarship at Toyohashi University of Technology is 31st January 2023.

آخرین بروزرسانی (سه شنبه ، 4 بهمن 1401 ، 13:41)


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