Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24 in UAE (Master and PhD)

Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for the Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24 in Unite Arab Emirates. All International Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for International Scholarships in UAE. Candidates who want to pursue their Master’s Degree, PhD Degree, Pre-Medicine Bridge Program and Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program from Khalifa University are encouraged to apply. Khalifa University is offering Fully Funded Scholarships for the academic session of 2023-2024. This university is in the list of best universities.

All Academic Fields & Majors are available including Engineering, Medical, Business, Health, Arts, IT, & Other Fields are available to Study Abroad Scholarship in UAE. Khalifa University Scholarship will cover all the expenses to study postgraduate study from abroad.

Khalifa University was established in 1989 is a science focused university located in Abu Dhabi. Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings has ranked this University at 28th best university in Asia. According to QS University Ranking, it is ranked as the 401st best university in the world.

Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24 Details:

  • University: Khalifa University
  • Degree level: Master, PhD, Doctor of Medicine
  • Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligible nationality: International
  • Award country: United Arab Emirates
  • Last Date: 30 April 2023.

Financial Benefits:

Khalifa University in UAE is in the top best universities of the world and it is Offering Full Free Scholarships for students from around the world in Abu Dhabi. The Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship will cover all the Expenses & provide Monthly Stipend as a educational fund. Detail is given below

  • Complete Tuition Fee will be provided.
  • Graduate Research & Assistant Scholarship (GRTA) Monthly Stipend Policy is given below. It is changeable.
    • For MSc: AED 8,000
    • For PhD: AED 10,000.
  • Khalifa University visa holders will get a Comprehensive Medical Insurance.
  • Support to attend International Research Conferences.

Scholarship Duration:

Applicants can apply for the Part Time and for Full Time Scholarship. But there are Some Requirements for both.

Full-time: Candidates must have to enrolled for 3-4 courses in every semester which have 9-12 credit hours or equivalent.
Part-time: Candidates must have to enrolled for 2 courses in every semester (6 credit hours or equivalent).

  • Master Degree Full Time Scholarship: 2 Year
  • Master Degree Part Time Scholarship: 3 Year
  • PhD Degree: 3-4 Years

Application Deadline:

The last date to Apply for the Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students for Fall 2023 is 30th April 2023.

How to Apply for Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship?

There is Online Application System to apply for the Khalifa University Graduate Scholarship 2023-24. The link to the Online Application Portal and link of Official Advertisement is given below:


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