Mysteries and Histories: A Transdisciplinary Conference

Mysteries and Histories: A Transdisciplinary Conference
24th to 25th June 2023
The historic "Court House" in Martock, Somerset, UK

Keynote speakers: Renowned writers Prof. Fiona Sampson and Peter Salmon

Web address:
Sponsored by: London Arts-Based Research Centre

This conference invites scholars, creatives, writers, graduate students, and other enthusiasts of history and/or mystery writing to explore and discuss special topics in history and the role of history in writing mystery fiction and non-fiction.

Call for Papers

Countless historical enigmas remain unsolved to this day and inspire so much mystery writing - think of the Turin Shroud, the Stonehenge megaliths, the pyramids and pharaohs of Egypt, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle and others. Mystery writers hope to discover or unlock these long-buried historical secrets while researching their novels. With themes ranging from Egyptology, medieval alchemy, lost paintings, wars, scientific discoveries and any other significant moments from the distant past, many popular mysteries have taken the literary world by storm and ignited an interest in history.

There is an intimate relationship between history and mystery writing.

The London Centre for Arts-Based Research is now accepting proposals for papers and panels for its first "Mysteries and Histories" conference, to take place at The Court House Residency in Martock, Somerset, a marvelous location which in itself is rich with history and mysteries!

We welcome 15-minute presentations (academic and/or creative) that reflect this theme.

The aim of this conference is to bring together scholars, creatives, bookworms, writers, postgraduate students, and other professionals to explore and discuss the relationship between history and mystery writing.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

- Research in history
- Mysteries in audiobooks
- Humour in mysteries and historical fiction
- Time travel in mystery writing
- Whodunits in historical settings
- Biographical mysteries
- Paranormal and supernatural elements in histories and mystery fiction
- History/mystery writing for the screen and theatre
- "Truth" in historical non-fiction
- Famous "mystery" historical figures and their adaptation in contemporary writing
- Special themes in historical mysteries
- The writing process (of mystery writing, historical fiction, and historical nonfiction)
- Research and data collection for creative writers (forensics, police, psychology etc.)
- Psychological thrillers
- Pop mysteries
- Literary classics in mystery and detective fiction
- Representations of detectives and other significant characters in mystery writing
- Film adaptations of both mystery and historical fiction
- The cozy murder mystery (and other subgenres of detective fiction)
- The mind in writer and/or reader mode (for historical mysteries)
- Latest trends in detective fiction/historical fiction
- Art and history in mystery writing

Presenters can share papers and/or creative work, as we highly encourage arts-based research. You will find the abstract form on:
Please fill out the abstract form by May 20, 2023 and send it to آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Registration fees:

In-person participation: £150
Virtual participation: £90


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