Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2023 in UK (Master and PhD)

Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2023 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for the Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2023 in United Kingdom. All International Students from any part of the world are eligible to apply for the Clarendon Scholarships in UK. University of Oxford is offering scholarships to all students to undertake their Masters Degree or PhD Degree from European Country. Clarendon is a Fully Funded Scholarship that will cover all the expenses. There in No Application Fee to apply for the award.

Almost all academic fields and majors are available under Clarendon Scholarships at Oxford University. There are no Restrictions on Nationality, Residence or Field of Study. All Full-Time and Part-Time MPhil and Master’s courses are eligible. You are Free to Choose from over 12,000 Master’s Courses. The duration of the Master’s Degree will be for 1 or 2 Years & for Doctoral Degree 3 to 4 Years. Each Year 130 New, Fully-Funded Scholarships Awarded. An Opportunity to Join one of the Most Active, Highly International, and Multidisciplinary communities at Oxford.

The University of Oxford is a collegiate research university in Oxford, England. Oxford is regularly ranked within the top 5 universities in the world and is currently ranked first in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, as well as the Forbes’s World University Rankings. According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject, the University of Oxford also ranks as number one in the world.

Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2022 Details:

  • University: Oxford University
  • Degree level: Master, PhD
  • Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligible nationality: International
  • Award country: United Kingdom
  • Last Date: 20 January 2023.

Financial Benefits:

Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2023 in United Kingdom for International Students is a Full Free scholarship which will cover all the expenses to Study Postgraduate Degree from University of Oxford. Detail is given below:

  • Complete Tuition Fee will be provided.
  • Scholars will receive an Annual Grant for Living Expenses which is Normally Sufficient to Cover the Living Costs of a Single Student Living in Oxford. In 2022-23, you should expect to receive at least £15,009.

Courses by Department:

  • Humanities Division
  • Medical Sciences Division
  • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
  • Department for Continuing Education
  • Social Sciences Division

About Clarendon Scholarship:

  • You will be automatically considered for Clarendon if you apply by the relevant January deadline for your course. You do not need to submit a separate application.
  • Clarendon offers fully-funded scholarships covering course fees, as well as a grant for living expenses for the period of fee liability.
  • There are no restrictions on nationality, ordinary residence or field of study. All full-time and part-time DPhil and Master’s courses are eligible.

How to Apply for Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship Online:

Apply Online for your Course to be considered for a Clarendon scholarship. No need to apply separately for the Oxford University Clarendon Scholarship 2023. The department will make the final decision on your graduate place and will notify you with an outcome. After enrolling in the course you will automatically be considered for the award.


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