CERN Administrative Student Program 2023-24 in Switzerland

CERN Administrative Student Program 2023-24 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for CERN Administrative Student Program 2023-24 in Switzerland. All International Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for Fully Funded Internship Program. The program is taking place in Switzerland and interns will have the opportunity to spend 2 to 12 months in Maine, Geneva. The CERN internship program provides opportunities for undergraduate and master’s students, where they can gain experience in the world’s most organized management platform. There is No Application Fee Required for the CERN Administrative Student Program.

If your background is related to Translation, Human Resources, Advanced Secretarial Work, Business Administration, Logistics, Law, Finance, Accounting, Library and Information Science, Engineering Management, Science Communication, Education, Audio Visual, Communication and Public Relations, Psychology. ۔ Audit, Engineering is the best opportunity to do an internship at CERN Switzerland again.

The CERN Fully Funded International Internship Program will cover all expenses of selected candidates. Interns will be given the opportunity to spend 2 to 12 months in the European Organization for Nuclear Research so that they can gain practical knowledge of their course studies and hone their skills in their respective fields. Candidates do not have to pay anything. In addition, applicants will be entitled to a monthly allowance as well as 2 to 5 days of paid leave per month.

In Europe 2023, CERN offers a unique opportunity for students pursuing disciplines related to fully funded program administration to work on projects that will change the world. CERN, the world’s leading organization, offers students the opportunity to get acquainted with highly funded internships as well as highly complex administrative methods. CERN physicists and engineers discover the basic principles of the universe with the world’s most advanced scientific instruments. CERN interns will gain extensive experience through their work at CERN which will benefit their career as they will gain a lot of knowledge in management and gain the confidence they will need in the future.

CERN Administrative Student Program 2023-24 Details:

  • Offered by: CERN
  • Duration: 2 to 12 Months
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Award country: Switzerland
  • Last Date: 27 March 2023.

Financial Benefits of CERN Administrative Student Program:

Candidates selected for the program will receive the following benefits:

  • Association contract for 2 to 12 months.
  • 3319 Swiss francs per month (net tax).
  • One Round Air Fare Travel Allowance
  • Depending on your personal circumstances, a supplement if you are married and / or have children.
  • Coverage through CERN’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (Support will be automatically deducted from your allowance).
  • 2.5 days monthly paid leave.

Available Fields for CERN:

  • Translation
  • Engineering Fields
  • Audiovisual
  • Communication and public relations
  • Psychology
  • Audit
  • Human resources
  • advanced secretarial work
  • Business administration
  • Logistics
  • Law
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Library and information science
  • Engineering management
  • Science communication
  • Education

Eligibility Criteria of the CERN Administrative Student Program:

You must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to apply for the Administrative student program 2023-24:

  • Participants must belong from CERN Member or Associate Member State or are studying in a Member State.
  • Selected applicants can stay for at least two and at most 12 months as a full-time student.
  • You should have completed at least 18 months of your undergraduate studies (Bachelor or Masters)
  • Candidates must have a good understanding of English or French.

Documents Required:

  • CV
  • A copy of your latest academic transcript offering an overview of your grades (if you download it from your university portal, please make sure there is no protection so we can open it).
  • A reference letter from your university professor is required. If you have a reference letter from a previous internship, you can add it as a second reference.
  • If you have, you can upload these letters on request. As soon as you have submitted your application, you will be provided with a link so that you can secretly upload their posts so that you can send it to your referees.

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