Poland Government Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students (Master and PhD)

Poland Government Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students:

International Students are invited to apply for the Poland Government Scholarship 2023-24 in Poland. Students who want to Study Free Master’s Degree from Poland are encouraged to apply for Łukasiewicz Scholarship. Banach Scholarship Program and the Lukasiewicz Scholarship Program, are merged into one scholarship. Applicants from All over the globe with any Academic Filed are eligible to apply for the Government of Poland Łukasiewicz Fully Funded Scholarship. The Scholarship is open to any Citizen from around the world.

Poland Government Scholarship is available in many academic fields & Majors e.g. Engineering, IT, Science, Social Science, Arts, etc. The scholarship will cover all the expenses to undertake Masters Degree Program.

This Scholarships in Poland for International Students 2023 is a joint study in Poland scholarship and is initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) Program and will be implemented under the framework of the Polish development assistance.

Financial Benefits:

The Poland Scholarship will cover almost all the expenses for all the selected Students to Study in Poland.

  • Exemption from Tuition Fees at public universities
  • ·  A Stipend of PLN 1,700 per month will be given.
  • ·  For the duration of their studies, Selected Applicants shall also receive
  • ·  PLN 500 to cover the costs of relocating to Poland
  • ·  PLN 500 to cover the costs related to drafting their dissertation

Available Study Fields:

All Courses are available in Poland Government Scholarship by HEI.

  • Engineering
  • ·  Science
  • ·  Arts
  • ·  Social science
  • ·  Technical
  • ·  Sciences
  • ·  Agricultural sciences
  • Life sciences.


List of Eligible Countries for Poland Scholarship:

Albania, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Montenegro, Ethiopia, Philippines, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Colombia , Kosovo, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, South Africa, Senegal, Serbia, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must meet the following criteria at the time of applications:
  • ·  Be citizens of a country listed above
  • ·  Not be Polish citizens
  • ·  Not have previously obtained a Master’s degree.
  • ·  Not have previously been granted a scholarship under the Program
  • Speak English at least at the B2 level.

Application Deadline:

The last date to apply for Polish Government Scholarship for International Students is 31st March 2023. The Result will be announced by end of July 2023.

How to Apply for Poland Government Scholarship?

The Link to Make an Online Application is given below to apply for Polish Government Scholarship. Create an account and follow instructions to submit your application through the online portal. Submit the application then you will receive a message through an email containing the application reference number. Official Advertising link is given below:




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