کنفرانس ملی معماری، شهرسازی، هنر، طراحی صنعتی، ساخت و فناوری حکمت بنیان


19th International Symposium on Urban Communities and Humanities

19th International Symposium on Urban Communities and Humanities

Seoul, Korea (south)

The Institute for Urban Humanities of the University of Seoul is organizing an international symposium called “Rethinking gated communities in the digital polis: spatiality, identity, and humanity”, which will take place on 20th, May, 2022. The conference aims to enrich existing theories and diversify the geographical focus of the extant research on gated communities in the digital built environment. Particular attention will be drawn to conceptualization of alternative spatiality and its application for interpretation of digitally-connected but also -gated urban communities from the Global North/ West and Global South/ East contexts. We welcome both theoretical reflections and empirically grounded case studies to decode the identity of contemporary fortress cities and gated communities in the digital era. We invite contributions from both the Global North/ West and the Global South/ East to enable cross-case dialogues and comparisons beyond the local data silos. Please visit the attached website for details.

Web address: https://e-ihuos.uos.ac.kr/korNotice/view.do?list_id=40025E9&seq=3&sort=3&pageIndex=1&&viewAuth=Y&epTicket=ST-3598074-fs52zTCiECMRJdjfPWKoCT9ruY5FIJeqU1R-21

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Sponsored by: The Institute for Urban Humanities (The University of Seoul)


Borders and Walls: 2nd Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference

Borders and Walls
2nd Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference

Sunday 10th July 2022 to Monday 11th July 2022
Athens, Greece

In a contemporary moment where human mobility is shaped by a global pandemic, the ongoing effects of climate change, and growing economic instability, the role and utility of borders are in need of renewed exploration. The spread of the novel coronavirus has made the ways in which borders structure and constrain our lives apparent to more people than ever. Due to the pandemic, billions of people around the world have faced the realities of confinement to home countries as traversal across international lines has been limited only to those with sufficient claims to citizenship, residence, and now, proof of vaccination. Some argue that in times like these, borders provide security, the preconditions for effective governance, and the distribution of goods and services within a given population. Yet, others might ask to what extent they simultaneously reinforce hegemony and bar access to necessities - such as life saving COVID vaccines and other medical infrastructure - for those who, by mere lottery of birth, happened to be born on the 'wrong' side.

In reality, people across the globe have been grappling with the asymmetries bound up in borders ever since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia and the emergence of modern nation-state, a geopolitical concept that has hitherto fundamentally relied on the existence of borders - both in their physical manifestations as well as in the political imagination and in terms self-determination. On one hand, in consolidated economic spheres such as the European Union, citizens have enjoyed decades of free and uninhibited movement across the continent. Yet, it's undeniable that certain member states have fared far better than others in this arrangement, and each national project within the Schengen Zone has struggled with questions of pluralism and exclusion. Meanwhile, the US-Mexican border of the post-9/11 world is increasingly militarized via structures and technologies, and those same structures have disseminated to other borderlands such as that of Israel-Palestine, whose tensions have only risen in recent months. Thus, borders and their meanings exist within complex social, political, and economic networks where movement is codified by factors such as ethnicity, social class, and cultural narrative.

Moving beyond conventional notions of borders as static lines separating "us" from "them" and "inside" from "outside," this conference aims to open a non-essentialist conversation about borders and walls. As inclusive and multidisciplinary, we seek submissions on the varying significance of borders and borderlands across a wide array of contexts and fields including but not limited to architecture, sociology, urban planning, history, anthropology, linguistics, literature, art, poetry, performance, journalism, and cartography. We welcome both traditional and nontraditional formats ranging from empirical research and analysis, ethnography, and journalism to poetry, performance, film, and fictocriticism. Drawing upon this multiplicity of perspectives from people directly affected by borders, our objective is to invite critical reflection with respect to the presence of borders as constructs in contemporary society, their transnational histories, and multidimensional significance. We seek to imagine border alternatives, and to open up space for new approaches and understandings via interdisciplinary exchanges.

Key Topics
Key topics, themes and issues for discussion may include, but are definitely not limited to:

~ Border as metaphor
~ Critical implications of border technology and security
~ Local voices in border literature, poetry, art, performance
~ Borders and architecture
~ Borders and the nation-state
~ Borders within nations (states, lands reserved for Indigenous peoples, territories)
~ The neoliberal border
~ Globalization's impacts
~ Trade (including trade agreements; clandestine/smuggling/informal economies; remittances)
~ Necroviolence and necropolitics
~ Identity construction
~ International development
~ Transnational histories or case studies about border wall projects (Berlin, Israel, US-Mexican)
~ Key border regions: EU, US-Mexican (maquiladoras, border towns), Israel (Gaza); post-9/11; Russia-Osettian (Georgia); India-Pakistan
~ Borders and walls in fiction and literature
~ "Frontiers," nation expansion, imperialism
~ Border as industry (analysis financial investments/corporate stakeholders that maintain and expand these projects)
~ Border violence
~ Bifurcation and creation of borderlands
~ Borders over time: i.e. modern/post-Westphalian border
~ Borders as theorized vs. borders as lived; borders as real and imagined
~ Borders as theorized vs. borders as lived; borders as real and imagined
~ Poetics of space, spatiality and the border
~ (Mis)representations of borders
~ Mapping, archiving, and cartography
~ Border ethnographies
~ Critiques of border essentialism
~ Resisting borders and (anti)border movements
~ "Natural" borders vs. constructed borders
~ Border ontologies and linguistic constructions of borders\
~ Open borders and debordering
~ Borders and migration (clandestine vs. legitimized)
~ Borders and citizenship, identity, belonging
~ Beyond the wall: borders as institutions/institutional maintenance (consulates/embassy, specialized border police forces, bureaucracy/documentation)
~ Transnational relationships between borders (e.g. Israel/US-Mexican); comparative analyses
~ Traversing and transportation with respect to borders
~ Border disputes and contestations
~ Borders and legality/law and immigration law; borders and "criminality"
~ Borders and human rights
~ Race, class, sexuality: sociology of border
~ Critical analysis of terms such as immigrant, expat, migrant, refugee
~ Borders and Indigenous sovereignty
~ Emancipatory visions with respect to a world without borders
~ Borders and ecology/biodiversity; environmental impacts of border walls

What To Send
This interdisciplinary conference and collaborative networking event aim to bring together academics, professionals, practitioners, NGOs, voluntary sector workers, etc., in the context of a variety of formats: presentations, seminars, workshops, panels, performances, etc.

300-word reviews of your proposed contribution (paper abstracts, proposals for workshops, collaborative works or round tables, overviews of artistic projects, or any other relevant forms of participation you are interested in) should be submitted by Friday 11th February 2022

All submissions will be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by an international panel drawn from the Project Advisory Team and the Advisory Board. In practice, our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.

You will be notified of the panel's decision by Friday 25th February 2022

If your submission is accepted for the conference, a complete draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday, 20th May 2022

Proposals may be in Word, PDF, RTF, or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in the programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of the proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.

Emails should be entitled: Borders Submission

Where To Send
Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to the Organising Chair and the Project Administrator:

Lily Cichanowicz (Organising Chair): آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Len Capuli: (Project Administrator): آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

What's so Special About a Progressive Connexions Event?
A fresh, friendly, dynamic format - at Progressive Connexions we are dedicated to breaking away from the stuffy, old-fashion conference formats, where endless presentations are read aloud off PowerPoints. We work to bring you an interactive format, where exchange of experience and information is alternated with captivating workshops, engaging debates and round tables, time set aside for getting to know each other and for discussing common future projects and initiatives, all in a warm, relaxed, egalitarian atmosphere.

A chance to network with international professionals - the beauty of our interdisciplinary events is that they bring together professionals from all over the world and from various fields of activity, all joined together by a shared passion. Not only will the exchange of experience, knowledge and stories be extremely valuable in itself, but we seek to create lasting, ever-growing communities around our projects, which will become a valuable resource for those belonging to them.

A chance to be part of constructing change - There is only one thing we love as much as promoting knowledge: promoting real, lasting social change by encouraging our participants to take collective action, under whichever form is most suited to their needs and expertise (policy proposals, measuring instruments, research projects, educational materials, etc.) We will support all such actions in the aftermath of the event as well, providing a platform for further discussions, advice from the experts on our Project Advisory Team and various other tools and intellectual resources, as needed.

An opportunity to discuss things that matter to you - Our events are not only about discussing how things work in the respective field, but also about how people work in that field - what are the struggles, problems and solutions professionals have found in their line of work, what are the areas where better communication among specialists is needed and how the interdisciplinary approach can help bridge those gaps and help provide answers to questions from specific areas of activity.

An unforgettable experience - When participating in a Progressive Connexions event, there is a good chance you will make some long-time friends. Our group sizes are intimate, our venues are comfortable and relaxing and our event locations are suited to the history and culture of the event.

Progressive Connexions believes it is a mark of personal courtesy and professional respect to your colleagues that all delegates should attend for the full duration of the meeting. If you are unable to make this commitment, please do not submit an abstract or proposal for presentation.

Please note: Progressive Connexions is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence, nor can we offer discounts off published rates and fees.

Please direct all enquiries to the project email: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

For further details and information please visit the project web page:

Sponsored by: Progressive Connexions


Twentieth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities

The Twentieth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities - A conference organized by the New Directions in the Humanities Research Network, University of Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, School of Humanities, Rhodes, Greece


The Twentieth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities features research addressing the following annual themes and special focus:

Special Focus – Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities
Theme One – Critical Cultural Studies
Theme Two – Communication and Linguistics Studies
Theme Three – Literary Humanities
Theme Four – Civic, Political, and Community Studies
Theme Five – Past and Present in the Humanistic Education



The New Directions in the Humanities Research Network was founded in 2003, with a commitment to providing innovative spaces for Research Network members to interact, converse, and learn from each other. In this critical moment, we must re-imagine the scholarly conference. We should consider our climate impacts, public health obligations, the need to dismantle the enduring blockages of access and participation for segments of our local and global communities, while at the same time supporting the development of meaningful personal relationships.

We are taking on these challenges by offering a blended conference experience, with session types explicitly designed to make the most of both online and in-person social knowledge processes. In conversation with our Research Network Members, we have been reflecting upon the kinds of scholarly conferences we need for our sustainable social futures.

Our blended conference experience is delivered on the CGScholar platform – developed by the Common Ground Media Lab, the research and technology arm of Common Ground Research Networks.

This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.


Place: Online + University of Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, School of Humanities, Rhodes, Greece
Format: A mix of live, pre-recorded, and in-person (at a scale that’s allowed) presentations and social interaction spaces.
Dates: 20-22 June 2022
Special Focus: Data, Media, Knowledge: Re-Considering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities



We understand travel is difficult in the current climate. For this reason, we also offer related thematic events in our sister Research Networks that you might be able to attend in-person. This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.


A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY - Conference, Book and Publication Information

A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY - Conference, Book and Publication Information

The book from the last conference in this series is now available: "Emerging Practices in Architectural Pedagogy: Accommodating an Uncertain Future". Routledge, 2021. Editors: Laura Sanderson and Sally Stone.

To participate in the next book submit an abstract to the FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY Conference:

DATES: 20-22 APRIL, 2022
ABSTRACTS: 05 DEC, 2021 (Round1)


Today the education sector is going through what most commentators see as an unprecedented period of change. The assumption is that in the wake of COVID-19, many standard modes of teaching and learning have changed forever. However, while the flux of recent times appears to have been enormous, many aspects of what we do remains the same. Our need to publish, bring in research funding, and get positive student assessments have not gone away. The knowledge we need to impart, and the mindsets we seek to loosen or develop, remain as engrained as ever. Similarly, long established research areas are still to be explored. Whether it be the environment, learning psychology, social networks, creative practice or design thinking, what we research remains relevant and pressing.
In addition, despite the 'strangeness' of the change around us, some disciplines find themselves in unexpectedly familiar domains. The digital arts, media and communication studies are operating on platforms many see as natural. The proponents of distance learning are employing techniques they had been honing for years. Acolytes of educational technologies are perfecting platforms they have been developing for decades. The effect of the pandemic on our teaching and research then, is far from uniform or wholly negative.
Set in this context, this conference reminds us that the pandemic is only one aspect of what it is to be an educator and researcher today. Asking us to take a step back from the flux we have been in recently, it invites us to refocus on our teaching and research topics. Importantly, it welcomes presentations that highlight pedagogy and research that has continued unaffected by remote teaching, as well as examples were radical realignments have been necessary. Whether it be in the fields of the arts, design, social or environmental sciences, this conference seeks to better grasp the tenor of teaching and research in today's changing academy.

Full details: https://architecturemps.com/focus-pedagogy/


This is the continuation of a unique international collaboration between Ball State University, USA, the University of Kassel, Germany, Beaconhouse National University, Pakistan, the University of Pretoria, South Africa. It is coordinated by AMPS. Publications by Routledge.


(IN)TANGIBLE HERITAGE(S): A conference on art, design, culture and technology - past, present, and future

Canterbury, UK / Virtual.
University of Kent
15-17 June 2022.
Abstracts due 30 Nov, 2021 (Round 1) | 30 March 2022 (Round 2)


CULTURES, COMMUNITIES AND DESIGN: A Conference Connecting Planning, Landscapes, Architecture and People

University of Calgary
28-30 June 2022
Abstracts due 01 December, 2021 (Round 1) | 01 April 2022 (Round 2)



6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology

6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology

Dear Colleague


6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology 2022

"Challenges and Issues in Teaching and Learning in Post Pandemic Situations"
25-26 June 2022 , University of Toronto, Canada

On behalf of the organizing committee, I wish to announce that the 6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology 2022 is scheduled to be held in June 25 and 26, 2022 at the University of Toronto, Canada. EduTeach2022 is organized by the Unique Conferences Canada and its university partners for the sixth time.

The accepted papers of the registered authors will be published as the EduTeach2022 conference proceedings in the International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN 2424-7073.  Those papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review process and submitted to be indexed in the Web of Sciences.

This invitation is for you to submit an abstract along with the application. The categories of the abstracts accepted for EduTeach2022 are (but not limited to): original research papers, published article, dissertations/PhD thesis, works in progress, research abstracts, project proposals, case studies and reports on current issues aligned with the conference theme.

MAIN THEMES 1) Teaching and Learning relationships 2) Students and Teachers relationships 3) Ongoing projects Trends, Issues and Challenges 4) Education Administration and Leadership 5) Technology in Education and Teaching

The registration for the EduTeach2022 conference is now open and the early bird registration fee rate is available until January 30, 2022.

CALL FOR PAPERS: https://educationconference.info/call-for-papers/

SUBMIT ABSTRACT: https://educationconference.info/application/


Abstract Submission Deadline: 28 February 2022

Registration Deadline: 15 April  2022

We look forward to meeting you in Toronto.


Dr.Prabhath Patabendi
Convener - EduTeach2022

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