یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

The (Annual) Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology 2020

The COMELA 2020 - The (Annual) Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology 2020
The American College of Greece, September 2—5, 2020

The COMELA, the Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology.
The COMELA seeks to redefine scholarship on Mediterranean and European Language, the Anthropos, and Society.

American College of Greece
Athens, Greece

Purpose and Structure
Over 500 scholars from around the world will gather to present papers and to engage in progressive discussion on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology, Linguistics, Anthropology, and related fields. The COMELA is a fully Non-Profit Organization, and all connected publishing undergoes a free blind reviewed system. The COMELA sources funding/grants to assist people who need funding to access the Conference. All conference proceedings and publications (journal issues/monographs) will be indexed with SCOPUS and will hence contribute to ranked and cited publications for all those accepted to present.

Keynote and Plenary Speakers
Jan Blommaert - Tilburg University
Alexandra Georgakopoulou - King's College London
Dimitris Dalakoglou - Vrije University Amsterdam

- Taylor and Francis Global Publishers (Official Publishing Partner)
- SOAS London
- Over 120 major academic institutions globally
- Scientific Committee of 120 academics

Several Special (Top-Tier/SCOPUS/ISI/ACHI/



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