یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

VI th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress

VI th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress

Ankara University, Ankara/TURKEY 19-22 June 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are very much looking forward to meeting you again between 19th – 22nd of June 2019 at the 6th International Eurasian Educational Research/EJERCongress.
The congress is taking place at Ankara University, one of the most prestigious Universities in Eurasia and elsewhere.

The theme of EJERCongress 2019 is: "Empowering Education: Research, Theory and Practice".

Preparation for the Congress, in collaboration with the Ankara University, Faculty of Educational Science, is at an advanced stage. We have announced our expert invited speakers including Prof. Anthony J. ONWUEGBUZIE from the Sam Houston University (USA), President of European Educational Research Association (EERA) Prof. Joe O'HARA (IRELAND), Prof. Elliot TURIEL form the University of California Berkeley (USA), Prof. Ann-Katrin SWARD from the Gothenburg University (SWEDEN), and Prof. Senel POYRAZLI from the Penn State University (USA), workshops and panellists and will share important dates for abstract submissions and registration information with you in the forthcoming weeks.

In line with previous years, the purpose of EJERCongress 2019 is to provide a research space that will allow practitioners to engage with research and academicians at the highest level.

Be assured that participation at EJERCongress 2019 will be as rewarding as previous years.

Yours Sincerely

Name of Congress: 6th International Eurasian Educational Research Congress /
EJERCongress 2019

Date: 19-22 June 2019

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2019

Location: Ankara University, Faculty of Education Sciences, Ankara / Turkey

Contact: www.ejercongress.org, آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید


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