یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

June 10-11, 2019, Johns Hopkins University, Rockville, MD, United States of America

Website: http://s-sciences.rais.education/

We invite you to attend the 13th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities organized by the Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS), which will be held at Johns Hopkins University, in Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, on June 10-11, 2019.

The Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS) creates an ample research platform for academics and researchers from all around the world and offers them the opportunity to create lasting relations for future collaborations. RAIS encourages academics and researchers to share their experiences and to contribute to the developing of diverse subjects, offering them the perspective of an interdisciplinary approach.

All accepted papers will be published in the RAIS Conference Proceedings with ISSN 2578-8574 and will be indexed in Google Scholar, SSRN, IDEAS/RePEc, Econpapers, CEEOL, etc. Authors also have the option to present their research at the conference without publishing their paper (Publishing is optional).

TOPICS: Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Economics, Management and Business Studies, History of Economics
- Law, Jurisprudence
- Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy
- Science and Technology Studies
- Communication Studies
- Religious Studies
- Politics and International Relations
- Demography and Social Statistics
- Education, Social Anthropology, and Linguistics
- Social Policy, Social Work, and Social History
- Methods and Computing, Development Studies
- Geography and Environmental Planning

You are invited to submit your abstract and full paper to contribute with your experiences in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities.


- Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2019
- Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 week after submission
- Full paper deadline: May 6, 2019
- Registration deadlines for authors: May 15, 2019
- Conference Days: June 10-11, 2019


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