یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

International Conference on Water, Informatics, Sustainability, and Environment


We are now accepting proposals for the International Conference on Water, Informatics, Sustainability and Environment iWISE2019, hosted on August 07-09, 2019 at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

The overarching theme for this year's iWISE conference is climate change and global warming, with the organizing themes of water, informatics, sustainability and environment guiding the discussion. As opposed to merely taking stock of the current climate crisis, the aim of the conference is to provide a forward-looking appraisal of technologies and innovative solutions that can be harnessed to reverse the calamitous trajectory on which we find ourselves.

Keynote speakers will accentuate the core themes of the conference, and breakout groups along the four themes and tracks (see below) will provide space for participants to delve deeper into topics through lively discussions.

We welcome proposals from a diverse range of people, not merely academics, to reflect the heterogeneous makeup of our attendees and the conviction that we must work together to overcome this enormous and pressing challenge. In past years, we have been privileged to have attendees representing a broad variety of constituencies, including government organisations, NGOs, and private initiatives. We look forward to welcoming an ever-more diverse set of attendees at this year's conference.

NB: While themes are intended to contour the course of the conference, tracks are indicative only.

Water Resource Management
Wastewater treatment and management
Water stress
Water quality
Oceans and Coastal Systems
Extreme weather events

Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems
Global Positioning Systems
The Internet of Things (IoT)
Environmental modelling and mapping
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Sustainable Cities (inc. transportation)
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Growth
Renewable Energy
Circular Economies

Air quality
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Environmental Disasters
Environmental Economics
Environmental Legislation and Policy
Environmental Management
Population and Environment


- 2 days of engaging breakout sessions that will reignite passion for innovation and showcase current research and practices.
- Technical workshops and themed sessions which will serve as an excellent opportunity to connect with colleagues and exchange ideas. It will also help in gaining valuable expertise needed for decision-making on implementation of green practices; such as using eco-efficient technology, managing the carbon footprint, and supporting the climate change resilience.
- The Ottawa Sustainability Tour; a very attractive social activity that reflects the sustainability sense of the National Capital Region. Tour is offered as part of our partnership with the Ottawa Biosphere Eco-city Council.
- Digital and hard copies of conference publications including program, flyers, and book of abstracts will be distributed to all participants.
- Publication of selected papers in the International Journal of Environment and Sustainability (ISSN 1927-9566)

We are looking forward to welcoming you at iWISE2017 this summer in Ottawa.

W. A. Eldin

iWISE2019 Secretariat

آخرین بروزرسانی (جمعه ، 30 آذر 1397 ، 12:27)


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