یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017

Join us in Japan next spring for The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ACLL2017), May 11-14, 2017.

***ACLL2017 at a glance

The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017 (ACLL2017) will be held alongside The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom (ACTC2017) in the beautiful and historic city of Kobe, Japan.

The abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. Submit now to participate in this international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event.

**Location: Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
**Dates: Thursday, May 11 to Sunday, May 14, 2017
**Abstract Submission Deadline: December 28, 2016

**Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT: iafor.org/acll2017-call-for-papers

Already had your abstract accepted? Register now: iafor.org/acll2017-registration

To find out more about registration packages, presentation options, conference events and more, please visit the conference website: acll.iafor.org


***ACLL2017 Conference Theme: "Educating for Change"

Whether we are looking at why we must change, or how education has changed or even how education will change, change affects all of us involved in language education in many ways. Administrators, teacher trainers, teachers, students: we all wear many hats and we all come face-to-face with change, sometimes on a daily basis. Positive change is about improvement: improving proficiency, improving lives, helping learners achieve their goals and dreams and ultimately, broadening horizons.

In our work as educators we are often asked to effect change – that we are change-makers can be seen in the new curriculums, new material, and even new techniques or methods that we develop. For those of us who conduct research, our research is often focused on finding "better" or more effective ways of teaching often measured in outcomes such as students entered with an average of X and improved to an average of Y. In such a case, improvement = change! But change is also an area of research as can be seen by looking at journals such as the Journal of Educational Change, Changes in Higher Education, Culture and Change, and Educational Research for Social Change, to mention four. It is a serious area of study, and one worth our attention.

The focus of the last journal mentioned above is worth looking at. Change is not only about test scores or proficiency going up. It is also about lasting change in one's life, life choices, and looking beyond us as individuals, the society we live in. Social change and a focus on improving the societies we live in is another outcome of education. In recent years, there has been a focus on language and identity. And there has been an embrace of sociocultural theory and language development.

At the same time change for the sake of change is not a good reason for change. There is often a tension between the status quo (which is not always bad) and the desire to change. As invested members of our field, we need to be able to examine change, identifying and applying that which is appropriate and will further our goals while also having the wisdom and gumption to reject change that does not make sense. As Dewey said, "Reforms which rest simply upon the enactment of law, or the threatening of certain penalties, or upon changes in mechanical or outward arrangements are transitory and futile."

And so we welcome you to this year's conferences, where we can examine change in ways that are important to each of us. What are its challenges, its complexities, and its constraints? It is electrifying to think about the wide-ranging conversations we will have as we consider how we can go about educating for change the world over.

In conjunction with our global partners, we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2017.



**Keynote Presentation: Beyond web 2.0: Designing authentic mobile learning for everyday contexts in Asia
Professor Mark Pegrum, The University of Western Australia, Australia

When the second generation of the web, or web 2.0, emerged around 2000, it opened up the possibility of promoting personalised but collaborative learning. A new generation of mobile context-aware technologies has now emerged, which builds on web 2.0 but goes beyond it, opening up the possibility of foregrounding authentic learning in everyday contexts. To capitalise on this new potential for educational change, it is essential to develop appropriate mobile learning designs. Drawing on Pegrum's (2014) 3-Level Mobile Learning Framework, Burden & Kearney's (2017) Mobile Pedagogical Framework, and Clandfield & Hadfield's (2017) Weak & Strong Interaction Model, this paper suggests that today's optimal mobile learning designs should involve activities where the devices, the learners, and the learning experiences are all mobile; where the three dimensions of personalisation, collaboration, and authenticity are foregrounded; and where both weak and strong interaction are present. The paper will illustrate the potential of mobile augmented reality (AR) language and literacy learning projects, most of which also incorporate elements of community building and cultural exploration. The main focus will be on recent gamified learning trails in Asia, such as the Singaporean AR Heritage Trails and the Hong Kong AR TIEs (Trails of Integrity and Ethics), where students learn collaboratively in real-world settings, while practising language, developing digital literacies and 21st century skills, building community, and exploring culture. We will consider how these gamified trails are structured to enable students to draw the greatest learning benefits from digitally supported, authentic, real-world interactions.

**Further speakers:
Professor Steve Cornwell, Osaka Women's University, Japan
Professor Ted O'Neill, Gakushuin University, Japan

**JALT Graduate Student Showcase

In partnership with The Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT), student researchers presenting in the JALT 2016 Graduate Student Showcase have been invited to attend and present their work at a special JALT–IAFOR poster session at The Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL2017). This is an excellent chance for conference delegates to catch up on some of the latest developments in language learning and instruction.


***IAFOR Publishing Opportunities

**Peer-reviewed journal: IAFOR Journal of Language Learning

The IAFOR Journal of Language Learning is an editorially independent journal associated with ACLL. The Editor of the journal will select the strongest papers from associated conference proceedings for inclusion. This open access journal, which conforms to the highest academic standards, reflects the interdisciplinary and international nature of our conferences.

**Conference Proceedings

If your abstract is accepted and you have registered for the conference, you are encouraged to submit a full paper for inclusion in the official conference proceedings. Our conference proceedings are open access research repositories, which act as permanent records of the research generated by IAFOR conferences. Submit your paper: iafor.org/acll2017-final-paper-submission


***Join IAFOR at ACLL2017 to:

– Present to a global audience
– Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open-access journals
– Benefit from IAFOR’s interdisciplinary focus by hearing about the latest research in Language Learning, Technology in the Classroom, and more
– Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
– Take part in interactive audience sessions
– Network with international colleagues

**Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration and save over 20%. Early Bird Registration is open until January 31, 2017. Lunch is included in all conference registrations. Please see the registration page for details: www.iafor.org/acll2017-registration

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer additional discounts in appreciation of your support. Please contact us at آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید for details.



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