LCBR European Marketing Conference 2015

LCBR European Marketing Conference 2015
29th to 30th June 2015
Lisbon, Portugal

You are invited to submit your abstract to the LCBR European Marketing Conference 2015, which takes place in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 29-30, 2015. Presenters at this highly international academic conference come from countries across the world. The conference audience consists of leading researchers and professors from the field of marketing, doctoral students, and marketing practitioners.

We combine the academic presentation sessions with a surrounding social program, e.g. a networking lunch, coffee breaks, and a dinner with a buffet of typical food from Portugal.

Abstracts may be submitted until March 31, 2015. Proposals may cover any marketing topic, also from related disciplines. In our abstract acceptance process, abstracts are reviewed by two academic reviewers based in two different countries. Please consult the conference website for further details on the call for papers:

Papers presented at the conference may be published in the Conference Proceedings, if the authors choose this option. The proceedings publication is identified by ISSN 2190-7935.

Conference participants who are on the job market or who are looking for a professional change are invited to inform us about their job market status, as we will distribute among all conference guests a job market candidate portfolio, introducing job market candidates who are attending the conference.

Student discounts on the registration fee are available. Additionally, group discounts are available for groups of 3 or more. Please see the conference website for further details and terms, or contact us directly.

The conference is organized by the Lupcon Center for Business Research. Headquartered in Germany, the organization has the mission of enhancing the collaboration between business and academics.

The capital of Portugal is one of the most amazing cities in Europe. The conference website has a short description of Lisbon and some photos of the city and its surroundings in the conference website's section called "Travel Info". Please check the conference website for further information.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Sponsored by: Lupcon Center for Business Research


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