کنفرانس ملی معماری، شهرسازی، هنر، طراحی صنعتی، ساخت و فناوری حکمت بنیان


Twenty-first International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations

Twenty-first International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations

The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
15–16 January 2021



The Twenty-first International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations will be held at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 15–16 January 2021. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, virtual lightning talks, virtual posters, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:

Theme 1: Management Education
Theme 2: Change Management
Theme 3: Knowledge Management
Theme 4: Organizational Cultures

2021 SPECIAL FOCUS - Preparing Organizations for New Digital Futures: New Rules of Engagement for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

We are trying to move away from the either/or of place-based or online conferences. For whichever way you choose to participate, we will offer a blended conference experience. You do not need to commit either to a place-based or virtual presentation at the time of submission. You can present both ways, or change your mode of the presentation if your preferences change. The choice to participate virtually could also be a moral decision – for the planet, for security, or when the financial burden of travel is too great. We aim to foster spaces that align with principles of social justice and community development.
We also want to be ready for the possibility of place-based postponement due to COVID-19. If we are forced to postpone, the online engagement will still go ahead, and your registration will allow you to join the conference in person in a later year.
This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.


The next proposal deadline is 15 October 2020. We welcome the submission of presentation proposals at any time of the year up until 30 days before the start of the conference. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.


The Organization Studies Journal Collection consists of three journals and an annual review. The Organization Studies Journal Collection encourages the widest range of submissions and aims to foster the highest standards of intellectual excellence. Articles may be submitted by in-person and virtual participants as well as Research Network Members.

Journals in the Collection are indexed by:

Association of Business Schools (Grade One), Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO), Academic Search Elite (EBSCO), Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Academic Search International (EBSCO), Business Source Corporate Plus (EBSCO), Business Source Complete (EBSCO), Business Source International (EBSCO), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI Scholar), Genamics Journal Seek, Management Directory (Cabell's), Scopus, The Australian Research Council (ERA), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory


The University of Auckland
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
International Graduate Center for Education, Charles Darwin University
Penn State University


Proposals for presentation can be submitted in English or Spanish.


The 5th Symposium on Damage Mechanism in Materials and Structures

The 5th Symposium on Damage Mechanism in Materials and Structures (SDMMS 20·21)
8th to 9th March 2021
Penang, Malaysia

The 5th Symposium on Damage Mechanism in Materials and Structures (SDMMS 20·21) which will be held in AC Hotel at Marriott, Penang, Malaysia on 8 - 9 March 2021.

This symposium provides a venue for researchers and practitioners in damage mechanisms in materials and structures field from academia, industry and government to meet in a forum where the latest research results are presented and prospects for future developments are discussed. The symposium is organised by the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Computational and Experimental Mechanics (CEM) Research Group.


Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the symposium through submissions of their research abstracts and papers. Also, high-quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Civil and Mechanical Engineering are cordially invited for presentation at the symposium. The symposium solicits contributions of abstracts and papers that address themes and topics of the symposium, including figures, tables and references of novel research materials.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: https://www.sdmms2020.com
Sponsored by: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang


15th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

INTED2021 (15th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference)
March 8th-10th, 2021
Valencia, Spain

Website: https://iated.org/inted

Deadline for abstracts submission is November 19th, 2020 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at https://iated.org/inted/online_submission

You are invited to participate at INTED2021 (15th annual Technology, Education and Development Conference) that will be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th of March 2021 in Valencia (Spain).

This conference will provide the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences to an international audience. Also, it will offer participants an overview of the current situation of education, research, and new learning innovations.

After 15 years, INTED has become an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, education professionals and technologists.
Every year, INTED brings together over 800 delegates from 85 different countries.

There will be 3 presentation formats: Oral, Poster or Virtual.
You can submit your abstracts proposals until November 19th, 2020 (included)
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at https://iated.org/inted/online_submission

- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation.
- Meet 800 participants from more than 85 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions and workshops.
- Publish your paper in INTED2021 Proceedings.

- INTED2021 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science). Previous editions are already indexed.
- A DOI number will be assigned to each accepted paper.
- All accepted contributions will be indexed in the IATED Digital Library to form part of our database of innovative projects in Education and Technology.

- Abstract Submission Deadline: November 19th, 2020. (included)
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 21st, 2020.
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: January 14th, 2021. (included)
- Registration deadline for authors: January 14th, 2021. (included)

This option will enable authors to submit their abstract and papers for INTED2021 Proceedings without attending the conference in-person.
Also, authors will be able to submit their virtual presentation files (slides, video, or poster). These presentations will be uploaded onto the conference website and Technical Program.
Registered virtual authors will receive the conference package (INTED2021 Proceedings, participation/author certificate, and conference materials) that will be sent by DHL courier after the conference dates.
To promote a maximum interaction, different thematic chats, private chats and other networking live activities will be offered for virtual participants.


International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering

Call for Papers: 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE2020) | November 28 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2020 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control And Instrumentation Engineering (ICECIE2020)

Sponsored By: IEEE Industry Application Society

- November 28, 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
- URL: www.icecie.com
- Email: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
- EDAS Submission Link: http://edas.info/N27256
- Full Paper Submission Deadline: July 20, 2020 (Extended)


Last News:
IEEE thanks its members for their support during these challenging times. We provide many tools to support our membership through virtual conference, online collaboration tools, publishing impactful cutting-edge research, virtual educational resources, and more.
Dear Colleague,

The 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Control and Instrumentation engineering, ICECIE2020 (www.icecie.com), focuses on the latest technologies, researches and challenges of control systems, energy and environment systems and instrumentation technologies. The conference will be held on Novermber 28, 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The purpose of ICECIE 2020 is to provide opportunity to share the most recent research outcomes in the areas of Control Systems, Power Electronics, Transmission and Distribution, Conventional and Renewable Energy Systems, recent technologies of Microgrids and Smart Grids, Instrumentation Systems and Technologies. It is aimed to create a professional network among researchers, academicians, professionals, engineers, and industry on the focused and related research areas of the entire energy infrastructure.

ICECIE2020 is a peer-review conference with blind review process. All the submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluations will be done focusing on originality, novelty, technical and/or research depth, relevance to conference, and contributions. ICECIE 2020 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) and proceedings will be submitted to index in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, and Web of Science Databases. The selected papers will be published in special issues of IEEE IAS Transations on Industry Applications. This one-day event includes several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia and government sectors, tutorials, technical sessions, technical papers extensively reviewed by peers, workshops focusing on the most recent trends in various technology, and a relaxing and entertaining gala. Exciting social and cultural programs are also planned for the conference attendees.

The technical topics of the regular sessions include but are not limited to the following topics:
-Control and Systems
-Energy and Environment
-Industrial Informatics and Computational Intelligence
-Power Electronics
-Signal and Information Processing
-Instrumentation Systems

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline - July 20, 2020 (Extended)
Acceptance Notification - August 1, 2020
Camera-ready Deadline - October 1, 2020

Registrations :
Early Bird Registration - September 24, 2020

Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Papers should be prepared in IEEE format and submitted via the ICECIE2020 submission page,


Proceedings will be submitted to index in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, and Web of Science Databases. The selected papers will be published in special issues of IEEE IAS Transations on Industry Applications.

ICECIE 2020Awards will be presented in titles of:
- ICECIE 2020 Best Paper Awards
- ICECIE 2020 Outstanding Paper Awards
- ICECIE 2020 Best Oral Presentation Awards
- ICECIE 2020 Best Student Presentation Awards

If you need any help, please email us at آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Best Regards,
ICECIE'2020 General Chair

نحوه آموزش در مقطع کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد ترم آینده (99/5/26)

ایران کنفرانس

نحوه آموزش در مقطع کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد ترم آینده

معاون آموزشی وزارت علوم اعلام کرد: آموزش در برخی جاها که امکان تشکیل کلاس حضوری را داشته باشند به صورت ترکیبی خواهد بود.

به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر، علی خاکی صدیق گفت: ترم تحصیلی دانشگاه ها رسما از ۱۵ شهریورماه آغاز می شود و این موضوع به دانشگاه های سراسر کشور ابلاغ شده است.

وی درباره آموزش در سال تحصیلی جدید گفت: آموزش در برخی جاها که امکان تشکیل کلاس حضوری را داشته باشند به صورت ترکیبی خواهد بود.

معاون آموزشی وزیر علوم افزود: در اکثر دوره های کارشناسی آموزش به صورت الکترونیکی و در دوره های تحصیلات تکمیلی و یا دروس عملی و کارگاهی،  آنجایی که امکان تشکیل کلاس حضوری با رعایت پروتکل های بهداشتی باشد کلاس ها به صورت ترکیبی خواهد بود.

وی ادامه داد: در ماه های گذشته در جهت آموزش، ترویج و فرهنگ سازی در حوزه یادگیری الکترونیکی صدها، سند و جزوه آموزشی چاپ شده است و همین طور دهها فیلم آموزشی در مباحث مختلف مربوط به آموزش الکترونیکی در دسترس علاقمندان استادان و دانشجویان قرار گرفته و چندین نشست تخصصی برگزار شده است این ها فضا را برای ما آماده سازی می کند تا با یک تجربه و آمادگی بیشتر وارد ترم آینده شویم.

وی تاکید کرد: با توجه به شیوه ویروس کرونا و پیش بینی هایی که در وزارت بهداشت می شود به نظر می رسد آموزش حضوری ما مثل قبل منتفی باشد و ۱۵ شهرویور که شروع ترم است امیدواریم آمادگی داشته باشند دانشگاه ها دروس خود را با محوریت آموزش الکترونیکی ارائه دهند.

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ایران کنفرانس

کانال تلگرام ایران کنفرانس

اخبار دانشگاهی ( هیات علمی ، دکتری ، کارشناسی ارشد )
اخبار کنفرانس ،کارگاه ،جشنواره
بورس های تحصیلی و کارآموزی
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مقالات و مطالب علمی و آموزشی

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ورود جهت ثبت همايش
ایجاد حساب کاربری فقط جهت ثبت همايش می باشد. ثبت همایش های دانشگاهی رایگان و سایر همایش های دولتی و خصوصی شامل تعرفه خواهد بود. قبل از ثبت نام " قوانین " ثبت همایش را حتما ملاحظه فرمایید.

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دانلود سرقصل های رشته های دکتری در سایت ایران کنفرانس

دانلود سرقصل های رشته های کارشناسی ارشد در سایت ایران کنفرانس

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