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سرانجام زمان فراخوان جذب اعضای هیأت علمی مشخص شد (96/11/28)

ایران کنفرانس

سر انجام زمان  فراخوان جذب اعضای هیأت علمی مشخص شد

رئیس مرکز جذب وزارت علوم اعلام کرد: فراخوان جذب اعضای هیأت علمی از ساعت ۱۲ ظهر روز یکشنبه ۲۹ بهمن ۹۶ آغاز می شود و مهلت آن تمدید نخواهد شد.

به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر به نقل از مرکز جذب وزارت علوم، محمدرضا رضوان طلب اعلام کرد: فراخوان جذب اعضای هیأت علمی برای عموم واحدهای دولتی و غیرانتفاعی از ساعت ۱۲ ظهر روز یکشنبه ۲۹ بهمن ۹۶ آغاز خواهد شد و تا ساعت ۸ صبح روز شنبه ۱۲ اسفند ۹۶ ادامه خواهد یافت.

مهلت جذب اعضای هیات علمی تمدید نمی شود

وی ادامه داد: باتوجه به تاخیر پیش آمده در برنامه جدول زمانی فراخوان، این مهلت تمدید نخواهد شد و متقاضیانی که نتوانند تا این تاریخ آمادگی خود را در سیستم ثبت کنند، باید خود را برای فراخوان بعد که در شهریور ۹۷ برگزار می شود، آماده کنند.

دانشجویان قبل از دفاع از پایان نامه نمی توانند متقاضی جذب شوند

رئیس مرکز جذب وزارت علوم افزود: دانشجویانی که در حال تحصیل هستند تا قبل از دفاع پایان نامه خود نمی توانند متقاضی عضویت هیأت علمی شوند و ثبت تقاضای آنان بلا اثر است. همچنین کسانی که در ارگانی به صورت کارمند پیمانی یا رسمی هستند از شرکت در فراخوان قبل از استعفا محرومند.

اجازه ندهید مساله جذب بورسیه ها به چالش تبدیل شود

رضوان طلب اعلام کرد: تقاضای مرکز جذب اعضای هیأت علمی از دانشگاه‌ها آن است که در حل مسئله بورسیه ها مسئولین وزارت علوم را یاری دهند و اجازه ندهند مسئله جذب آنان به یک چالش در نظام آموزش عالی تبدیل شود.

وی خطاب به دانشگاه ها افزود: تقاضای عضویت آنان را با نگاه مثبت بپذیرند و آنان را در بررسی و رقابت عادلانه با سایر متقاضیان بدون هرگونه بدبینی و پیش داوری نسبت به آنان سهیم کنید.

رضوان طلب افزود: البته این به معنای آن نیست که تقاضا یا پذیرش بورسیه به معنای تقاضا یا پذیرش عضویت هیأت علمی باشد و یا تعهدی از سوی وزارت علوم بر پذیرش پذیرفتگان بورس به عنوان عضو هیأت علمی وجود داشته باشد ولی در یک منظومه مدیریتی گذشته و حال این گونه پیش بینی شده است که سرمایه گذاری دولت برای بورس دادن به افراد دارای استعداد برتر هدر نرود و حتی الامکان از وجود این افراد پس از دوره تحصیل استفاده شود.

وی افزود: حتی دانشگاه ها و موسساتی که به آنان جایابی نداده اند اما به گرایش و تخصص آنان نیاز دارند، باید جذب این افراد را در اولویت قرار دهند.

رئیس مرکز جذب وزارت علوم تاکید کرد: اراده وزیر علوم و سایر بخش های وزارت متبوع در مورد بورسیه ها به صورت قاطع برهمین راهبرد اساسی استوار است و موکدا از اعضای هیأت اجرایی جذب و مسئولین دانشگاه ها و موسسات می خواهم اجازه ندهند در این اراده خلل و ناهماهنگی راه یابد.


Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (version française ci-dessous)

CAG2018: Making It Matter
Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy

47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting
Canadian Association on Gerontology

October 18-20, 2018
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


The Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for CAG2018: Making It Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy, October 18-20, 2018 in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Join us for Canada's premier multidisciplinary conference for those interested in individual and population aging. Abstracts are welcomed from all disciplines and all interests in aging, including research, practice, policy and related work. International submissions are encouraged. We are also pleased to offer the CIHR-IA Student Poster Competition and student travel assistance grants.

Abstracts are due by April 16, 2018.

For more information, including discounted room rates at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, please visit http://CAG2018.ca

CAG2018 is hosted by the Gerontology Research Centre at Simon Fraser University (https://www.sfu.ca/grc.html)

Follow Us!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CdnAssocGero
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cagacg
Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/cVwmr9


BGC Geomatics 2018

BGC Geomatics 2018
21st to 23rd June 2018
Olsztyn, Poland

BGC is organized by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial & Civil Engineering and Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering and IEEE Poland Section, C16 IEEE Gdansk.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://www.bgc.geomatyka.eu/2018
Sponsored by: IEEE Poland Section, C16 IEEE Gdansk

Baltic Geodetic Congress 2018's goal is to integrate geodetic bevy and exchange of experiences and achievements. Geomatics 2018 conference materials will be sent to the indexation of the ISI WoS, Scopus and other databases. BGC 2018 (Geomatics) is sponsored by IEEE.

* Autonomous vehicles, vessels and aircrafts
* Cartography and electronic charts
* Civil engineering
* Environmental engineering
* Geodesy and Geodetic monitoring
* Geoinformatics and data models
* GIS applications
* Maritime and costal research
* Photogrammetry and Remote sensing
* Satellite navigation
* Smart city and Building Information Modeling
* Space technologies in geodesy and engineering
* Land use planning and regional development
* Geospatial analysis in market research
* Transport Engineering.

Reduced fee:
We have also special 10% reduced fee to members of:
* Association of Estonian Surveyors,
* Association of Polish Surveyors,
* Chamber of Civil Engineers,
* Danish Association of Surveyors,
* Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors MIL,
* International Association of Geodesy IAG,
* Latvian Association of Surveyors LMB,
* Lithuanian Association of Surveyors,
* Lithuanian Cartographic Society,
* Society of geodesy, geoinformation and landmanagement DVW,
* Swedish professionals for the built environment,
* Tekna - Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening,
* IEEE (all sections),
other associations of geodesy, cartography, geography, surveyors etc.
Information about membership in the association can be noted in remarks registration form. Discounts are activated by the administrator within 1-2 days. The list of organizations is open - please contact us.

Questions about discounts: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید .
Web address: http://www.bgc.geomatyka.eu/2018

Conference proceedings were published in IEEE Xplore
- 2016 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics): http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7547519 and are already indexed in Scopus (03.10.2016) and Web of Science (11.01.2017).
- 2017 Baltic Geodetic Congress (BGC Geomatics):


9th ICCCNT IEEE Conference 2018

9th ICCCNT IEEE Conference 2018
10th to 12th July 2018
IISc, Bengaluru, India

THE 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES (ICCCNT) aims to provide a forum that brings together International researchers from academia and practitioners in the industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of Information and Communication Technologies. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplorer.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://9icccnt.com/
Technical Sponsor by: IEEE India Council


LiHE 2018 Copenhagen - Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in Higher Education

LiHE 2018 Copenhagen - Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices in Higher Education
14th to 16th May 2018
Copenhagen, Denmark

Contribute a chapter to the book on INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICES IN HIGHER EDUCATION to be published worldwide by Libri Publishing Ltd., Oxfordshire, UK. Then join fellow authors for an inspiring and productive symposium in Copenhagen.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address:
Sponsored by: Institute for Learning in Higher Education


The aim of higher education is to the improve knowledge, skills, and competencies of students to prepare them for their future lives and careers. For many years the dominant paradigm underlying this endeavour has been didactic teaching in lecture theatres, where one responsible teacher delivers content to students. Social learning theories, modern epistemologies, and new technologies are some of the aspects that have pushed for a change in the paradigm of teaching and learning in higher education.

The book we are going to write together at the 20th international LiHE-symposium in Wonderful Copenhagen, May 14-15-16, 2018, will showcase INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICES IN HIGHER EDUCATION.

We call upon teachers, researchers, and relevant professionals in higher education to join forces and submit their INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICE for inclusion in this inspiring international book of the highest quality. The book will inspire readers to engage their students in new ways of teaching and learning.


The book will have 9 main sections:
Section 1: innovative teaching and learning practices using e-learning;
Section 2: innovative teaching and learning practices using games/simulations/role-play;
Section 3: innovative teaching and learning practices using case-methodology;
Section 4: innovative teaching and learning practices using research-based methods;
Section 5: innovative teaching and learning practices using learning space design;
Section 6: innovative teaching and learning practices using modern technologies like Google glasses, augmented reality, GPS, etc.;
Section 7: innovative teaching and learning practices using business practice and fieldwork;
Section 8: innovative teaching and learning practices using art, language, music, and culture;
Section 9: innovative teaching and learning practices using other reflective methodologies.

The book will be published worldwide by Libri Publishing Ltd., Oxfordshire, UK. You will get credited as an author of the innovative teaching and learning practice you submit. All submissions are double-blind reviewed, reviewed by collegial work groups, and undergo editorial reviews.

Submit a 10-page chapter documenting your INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICE IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Use the TEMPLATE which is downloadable from our website. It is important that your documentation is clear and descriptive. Think of your chapter as a formative description, which enables readers of the BOOK to learn from your example and try your teaching and learning innovation themselves.

The deadline for submitting your INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICE for double-blind review is March 25, 2018.
Reviewers will refer to the following questions when reviewing your INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING PRACTICE:

Is your practice showing a clear case of innovative teaching and learning in higher education?
It is important that your teaching and learning practice is both innovative and inspiring. We wish to publish a book which inspires readers to take action and start innovating themselves.

Is your documented practice of innovative teaching and learning clear, compelling and concise?
It is a must that the readers will be able to follow your innovative teaching and learning practice in such detail that they can implement a similar innovative teaching and learning practice in their own university settings.

* your research is published worldwide by Libri Publishing Ltd., Oxfordshire, UK.
* your research undergoes peer-review, collegial review, and editorial review. The publication is of the highest standard.
* you work collaboratively with academic colleagues to finalise your own chapter and the manuscript for publication.
* the LiHE Symposium is a unique collegial format fostering both creativity and high quality.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

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