یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

Yokohama National University Scholarship 2023-24 in Japan (Master and PhD)

Yokohama National University Scholarship 2023-24 for International Students:

Applications are invited to apply for Yokohama National University Scholarship 2023-24 in Japan. All International Students from around the world are eligible to apply for University Recommendation MEXT Scholarship. MEXT Japanese Government is offering Scholarships in Yokohama University to Study in Japan for International Students to Pursue Masters Degree and PhD Degree. Fully Funded Scholarships are provided by Japanese Government to study for the academic year of 2023-2024.

The Duration of the MEXT Master Scholarship is 2 Years whereas For MEXT Doctoral Scholarship is 3 Years. Knowledge of Japanese Language, IELTS/TOEFL is Not Mandatory. Those students whose language institute was in English can Submit English Proficiency Certificate from their University & they are exempted from Language Test.

International Students with Any Nationality can apply for the MEXT Scholarship Japan For Bachelors, Masters, Ph.D. or Doctorate Program. Yokohama National University is one of the leading universities in Japan. Courses will be taught in English.

  • Financial Benefits:

    As Stated Above, the Yokohama National University Scholarship in Japan for International Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students & Doctoral Students is a Fully Funded Scholarship in Japan by MEXT. All the Expenses will be covered.

  • MEXT Scholarship Stipend:144,000 Yen Per Month For Master Applicant.
  • PhD Courses: 145,000Yen Per Month.
  • Accommodation: Free Accommodation will be provided by the University
  • Allowance: 2,000 or 3,000 Yen Per Month will be added to the Monthly Scholarship.
  • Preparatory Education and Non-Regular Students: 143,000 Yen Per Month
  • No Tuition Fee: Fes for the Entrance Examination, Full Tuition Fee Course will be paid by MEXT University Recommendation Scholarship.
  • Round Airline ticket will be an Economy-class ticket for the flight.

What is MEXT Scholarship?

MEXT Stands for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships For Bachelors, Master & Doctoral Degree in the fields which you have studied in Your Country.

Eligibility Criteria:

If you want to apply for the MEXT Japan Scholarships then Please Check the Eligibility Criteria for Yokohama National University Scholarship if You Qualify or Not.

Have the Nationality of a Country that has Diplomatic Relations with Japan.

Be 34 years of age or younger as of April 1, 2023.

Be able to arrive in Japan before the 2023 Fall semester will begin.

Applications Deadline:

The last date to apply for University Recommendation MEXT Scholarship in Japan 2023 is 7th February 2023.

How to Apply for Yokohama National University Scholarship?

There is an Online Application to apply for Yokohama National University Scholarship 2023-24 in Japan. Visit “Application Form” link and create your account, then complete application form and upload all required documents in the Online Application Portal. The Official Advertisement is also given below.


آخرین بروزرسانی (شنبه ، 3 دی 1401 ، 05:51)


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