یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

The Twelfth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society

The Twelfth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society -- a conference organized by the Constructed Environment Research Network and the University of Córdoba.
The Religion in Society Research Network was founded with a commitment to providing innovative spaces for Research Network members to interact, converse, and learn from each other. In this critical moment, we must re-imagine the scholarly conference. We should consider our climate impacts, public health obligations, the need to dismantle the enduring blockages of access and participation for segments of our local and global communities, while at the same time supporting the development of meaningful personal relationships.
We are taking on these challenges by offering a blended conference experience, with session types explicitly designed to make the most of both online and in-person social knowledge processes. In conversation with our Research Network Members, we have been reflecting upon the kinds of scholarly conferences we need for our sustainable social futures.
Our blended conference experience is delivered on the CGScholar platform – developed by the Common Ground Media Lab, the research and technology arm of Common Ground Research Networks.
This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.
Place: Online + University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
Format: A mix of live, pre-recorded, and in person (at scale that’s allowed) presentations and social interaction spaces.
Dates: 9-10 June 2022

The Twelfth International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society is brought together by a common concern for the science of, and social responses to, climate change. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries.
Religion in Society Research Network features research addressing the following annual themes and special focus:
Special Focus – Traveling Texts: From Traditions to Religions
Theme One – Religious Foundations
Theme Two – Religious Community and Socialization
Theme Three – Religious Commonalities and Differences
Theme Four – Politics of Religion
We understand travel is difficult in the current climate. For this reason, we also offer related thematic events in our sister Research Networks that you might be able to attend in-person. This way we build for our Research Network Members flexible, and at the same time resilient, spaces for communication, engagement, and participation.

View other Common Ground Research Networks conferences: https://cgnetworks.org/conferences/conference-calendar


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