یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

The Aging and Social Change: Twelfth Interdisciplinary Conference

The Aging and Social Change: Twelfth Interdisciplinary Conference - A conference organized by the Aging and Social Change Research Network and the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Founded in 2011, the Aging and Social Change Research Network is a forum for discussion of challenges and opportunities for a rapidly growing segment of the population worldwide. The process of aging is a concern for individuals, families, communities, and nations. The social context of aging provides a rich background for community dialogue on this, one of the critical questions of our time. We aim to traverse a broad terrain, sometimes technically and other times socially oriented, sometimes
theoretical and other times practical in their perspective, and sometimes reflecting dispassionate analysis while at other times suggesting interested strategies for action. Our aim is to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action
framed by our shared themes and tensions.


Place: Online and Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Format: A mix of live, pre-recorded, and in person (at scale that's allowed) presentations and social interaction spaces.

Dates: 22-23 September 2022

The Aging and Social Change: Twelfth Interdisciplinary Conference calls for research addressing the following conference themes and special focus:
Special Focus - Considering Aging Policies: Between the Local and the Global
Conference Themes
Theme One - Economic and Demographic Perspectives on Aging
Theme Two - Public Policy and Public Perspectives on Aging
Theme Three - Medical Perspectives on Aging, Health, Wellness
Theme Four - Social and Cultural Perspectives on Aging


For over 30 years, Common Ground has been invested in developing technologies that seek to break down barriers of access in scholarly communication. In each phase, we've built media platforms to support spaces for interdisciplinary dialogue, before such approaches were in vogue; connected international voices, when disciplines were too often isolated in national silos; and supported an agenda of access and equality, by offering pathways and opportunities for diverse voices.

We now propose another kind of intervention - to build a scholarly communication infrastructure for a blended future.

Our blended model seeks to transcend physical boundaries by offering a platform to extend in-person conference content online, while ensuring onlin-only delegates are afforded equal participatory and experiential spaces within the platform. At the same time, the model offers participants a legacy resource to which they can return in the Event application, with access to a social space in our Community application where fellow participants can keep connected long after the conference ends.

Our blended conference experience is delivered on the CGScholar platform - developed by the Common Ground Media Lab, the research and technology arm of Common Ground Research Networks.



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