یازدهمین کنگره سالانه ملی عمران، معماری، هنر و توسعه شهری

The GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2021

The GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2021 (all papers SCOPUS / ISI indexed)

The fourth GLOCAL CALA, University of The Philippines Diliman, The Philippines, symbolizes a significant leap forward for Asian Linguistic Anthropology, Sociolinguistics, and Language and Society, from the previous highly successful GLOCAL CALA 2018, 2019 and 2020, to further problematize perspectives and praxis in Asian Languages, Linguistics, and Society.

The GLOCAL CALA 2021 theme "Symbolism and New Society" describes the need for symbolic representation in a rapidly changing Asia. As has been the case throughout larger global society, Asian societies have sought increasingly rapid change, exploring online spaces to contextualize and to legitimize the effects of this rapid change. Here, recent events have patently mediated the shift to online interaction, a shift which has thus intensified the development, and the invention, of new symbolisms and symbolic clusters that now have limited use in offline spaces.

The GLOCAL CALA 2021 thus calls for renewed awareness and interpretations of Asian symbolisms in this new era, and asks that we seek new perspectives of these Asian complex symbolisms, in their global contexts. These interpretations increase in significance where online virtual texts and textual modes now assume an authoritative stance over the real world, creating new realities and new real worlds that subvert dated ideologies. This shift to symbolisms required to make sense of new virtual and old real worlds in this current era, will surely motivate dialogue.

We thus welcome you to The GLOCAL CALA 2021, the Fourth Annual Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, and to the GLOCAL CALA in general.

Important Dates:

Conference dates: September 1-4, 2021
Conference venue: University of The Philippines Diliman, Manila, The Philippines.

Abstract and poster proposal submission:
Opens: June 1, 2020
Closes: January 1, 2021

Notification of acceptance:
No later than January 20, 2021

Presenters will need to have registered for The GLOCAL CALA 2021 by no later than June 25, 2021, to guarantee a place in the program. Registration will remain open after this date, but the conference organizers can not guarantee placement in the conference.


- Jack Sidnell
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto, Canada

- Mary Bucholtz
Department of Linguistics
University of California, U.S.A.


- Anthropological Linguistics
- Applied Sociolinguistics
- Buddhist Studies and Discourses
- Cognitive Anthropology and Language
- Critical Linguistic Anthropology
- Ethnographical Language Work
- Ethnography of Communication
- General Sociolinguistics
- Islamic Studies and Discourses
- Language, Community, Ethnicity
- Language Contact and Change
- Language, Dialect, Sociolect, Genre
- Language Documentation
- Language, Gender, Sexuality
- Language Ideologies
- Language Minorities and Majorities
- Language Revitalization
- Language in Real and Virtual Spaces
- Language Socialization
- Language and Spatiotemporal Frames
- Multifunctionality
- Narrative and Metanarrative
- Nonverbal Semiotics
- Poetics
- Post-Structuralism and Language
- Semiotics and Semiology
- Social Psychology of Language
- Text, Context, Entextualization

- 1.5 hours with 3-5 contributors
General and non-colloquia session papers
- Paper presentations will be allocated 25 minutes including 5 minutes for questions and answers.
- Posters will be displayed at designated times throughout The GLOCAL CALA.

Fees for Students/Affiliates
Early Bird: USD 140
Regular Bird: USD 170
Late Bird/On-site: USD 200

Fees for Others:
Early Bird: USD 170
Regular Bird: USD 210
Late Bird/On-site: USD 250

Excursion: USD 60

The conference fee includes daily buffet lunch, morning and afternoon break refreshments, one buffet dinner with a cultural show, academic how-to-research (methodology) workshops, how-to-publish workshops, publisher and academic talks, exhibitions, lectures, and much more. All papers accepted into the final proceedings will be ISI / SCOPUS published and indexed, Most hotels in Diliman, Quezon city, Manila, and surrounding areas, where participants may choose to stay, will include a breakfast buffet with the room rate. The September 4, 2021 optional Anthropological Excursion program is priced separately. The JALA, the Journal of Asian Linguistic Anthropology, is the journal for The GLOCAL CALA. As with all other GLOCAL publication, The JALA refuses to endorse pay to publish systems, where all publishing is free, and strictly double blind reviewed. through a stringent process. As such, The GLOCAL will only publish peer reviewed, high quality scholarship.


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