International Conference on Arts and Cultures

October 1-2, 2020 | Universidad de Cádiz | Cádiz, Andalusia - Spain

The International Conference on Arts and Cultures is an important space for the exchange of ideas and practices among international researchers, functioning as an interdisciplinary forum and as a seed for future collaborative projects. The conference will feature prominent speakers and posters, workshops and seminars given by professors, researchers and specialists from the public and private sectors in three different languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

In 2020, the main topic of the conference will be

When defining the work The cinema as a subversive art of the Austrian-born film critic Amos Vogel, the II International Conference on Arts and Cultures uses the same title of this work as a reference, not to limit itself to those desires or tastes of Viennese by censored films for its disturbing content and with explicitly sexual or violent images, but for seeing in the cinema, in addition to the above, an inciting, answering, transforming, avant-garde and critical art. In short, it is to appreciate from the beginning of the cinema its competences to be art and its capacity as a catalyst for socio-cultural changes, at national and international level.

Delegates can also submit a proposal addressing one of the recurring topics of the conference:

Topic 1: Art, Culture, and Society
Topic 2: Management of Culture and the Arts
Topic 3: Cultural and Artistic Heritage
Topic 4: Curating, History of Art, and the Art Market
Topic 5: Theory of Art and Contemporary Esthetic
Topic 6: Art, Technology, and the Media

Selected conference papers will be published in "The International Arts and Cultures Review".

The next DEADLINE for submitting a proposal to the conference (i.e., a title and an abstract) is DECEMBER 9th, 2019.

TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL, please visit:

For further information, please visit:

Scientific Committee
International Conference on Arts and Cultures


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اخبار دانشگاهی ( هیات علمی ، دکتری ، کارشناسی ارشد )
اخبار کنفرانس ،کارگاه ،جشنواره
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بورس های تحصیلی و کارآموزی

سامانه مدیریت کنفرانس سامان

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