53rd International Business Research Conference

Call for Papers

53rd International Business Research Conference

Conference Dates: 21-22 November, 2019

Location: Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia

Website: www.austconfo.com

Email Your Abstract or Full Paper: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Submission Deadline: 18 October, 2019

Registration Deadline: 4 November, 2019

Conference Theme: Research for Advancement


Abstracts and or full papers relating to all broad areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing, Information Systems and all other fields of Business. This international conference is organized by Global Research Institute for Business Academics, Australia.

Manuscript Submission and Review Process:

Manuscripts (either full papers and/or abstracts) should be prepared as per guidelines (please see the event website). Please include paper title, author title (such as Mr. Ms. Dr.), the name of author(s) and affiliation of the corresponding author, email address and the field/track of research. Please include this information in the paper itself. Papers which do not contain this information will not be considered for this conference. Please send all abstracts/full papers as Microsoft Word File. Please do not send abstracts/full papers as PDF files. If you want to publish your paper in one of the journals mentioned below, you must send us the full paper. Please note that you can send in your manuscript any time before the submission deadline (18 October, 2019). All submissions will be professionally blind reviewed and review outcome for each paper will be announced within declared time. It is highly recommended that those who require a longer time for visa processing submit their manuscript as early as possible.

Publication As Proceeding Papers (Printed Book and Online)

You have the opportunity to publish either your abstract or full paper in the conference proceedings with ISBN. You will receive printed proceedings book at the start of the conference. Online proceedings will also be available.

Publication in International Journals:

The following journals are affiliated with this conference:

Journal of Management Sciences (Indexed by Thomson Reuter).

Banks and Banking System (Indexed by Scopus).

International Journal of Supply Chain Management (Indexed by Scopus).

Please note that the editorial board of the respective journals will independently consider high quality papers. You need to follow the journal's policy. For example, while JMS does not charge any fee, BBS asks for submission fee.

Publication in International Journals Rated By ADRIJ

Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in the following journals ranked by the Australian Directory of Ranked International Journals (ADRIJ):

Global Review of Accounting and Finance (Ranked by ADRIJ as 3 Star).

World Journal of Management (Ranked BY ADRIJ as 3 Star).

Global Economy and Finance Journal (Ranked By ADRIJ as 4 Star).

This is subject to payment of paper processing fee and compliance to the review report that would be sent after the conference. Each of these journals has DOI number from Crossref of USA.

Written Feedback and Awards

We will provide an extensive review report on your paper so that you can revise the paper to make your paper publishable in Scopus indexed or top ranked journals. This report will be prepared by experts in the field and you need to allow at least three months to get such a quality report. In order to get such a coveted report, you must send us your full paper either before or two weeks after the conference.

Best Paper Award

This award will be announced in each track and the winning papers will be published in any of the above ADRIJ-ranked journals without any fee and a certificate will also be issued. All awardees will be awarded Fellowship of the Global Research Institute for Business Academics which will allow you to receive discounts for future conferences and to serve in the International Scientific Committees.


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