10th World Aqua Congress

10th World Aqua Congress
17th to 18th November 2016
New Delhi, India

Globally competition over freshwater resources has been increasing during last decades due to a growing population, economic growth, increased demand for agricultural products for both food and non-food use, and a shift in consumption patterns.

India is growing... practically in every aspect. At 7.6 percent, India is the fastest-growing economy in the world today. With booming economy, people’s expenditure patterns change and so do their lifestyles. Rapid urbanization is also adding fuel to these changes. Thus, the manner in which India meets its increasing food and water demands has been the major focus of many recent food and water demand projections both at the global scale and at the national scale. All these studies and research univocally says that it can not be 'business-as-usual' if India has to meet food and water demand and aspirations of its growing population. Smart solutions are urgently needed to ensure adequate water supply for a growing India.

10th World Aqua Congress is therefore being organized with theme of 'Water- Smart Solutions for Growing India'. Abstract submission is open till September 15, 2016. This also provides you a great platform to showcase your product/ services to top policy makers, decision makers and experts of India. In case you have made a major contribution in the field of water and environment, there are nomination opportunities for prestigious Aqua Excellence Award.

Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید
Web address: http://www.worldaquacongress.org
Sponsored by: Aqua Foundation


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