The IAFOR International Conference on Education - Dubai 2017

Join IAFOR and international delegates from more than 50 countries in Dubai, UAE for The Third IAFOR International Conference on Education. Submit your abstract, present your research, network, and create new relationships during this amazing event.

Held alongside The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning – Dubai 2017 (IICLLDubai2017), The IAFOR International Conference on Social Sciences – Dubai 2017 (IICSSHDubai2017), and The IAFOR International Conference on Arts & Humanities – Dubai 2017 (IICAHDubai2017) at The InterContinental Festival City Event Centre, Dubai, U.A.E., from Sunday, February 26 - Tuesday, February 28, 2017. Join us as we discuss this year’s conference theme, “Educating for Change” along with 2017 Keynote Speaker, Professor Donald E. Hall of Lehigh University, USA.

This IAFOR conference welcomes submissions from all over the world and we encourage you to join us in Dubai, to share your research and knowledge in an international, intercultural and interdisciplinary setting. To submit an abstract for presentation or participate as an audience member, please visit the website or contact us for more information.

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2016
Submit an abstract:
Visit the conference website:
Enquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

***Join IAFOR at IICEDubai2017 to:

-Deliver your research findings to a global audience
-Have your work published in the conference proceedings and considered for peer-reviewed, open access IAFOR Journals
-Benefit from IAFOR’s interdisciplinary focus by hearing the latest research on Education, Language Learning, Arts & Humanities and more!
-Participate in a truly international, interdisciplinary and intercultural event
-Participate in interactive audience sessions
-Access international networking opportunities

*Discounts on registration fees are available for those able to pay registration fees early. Please see the registration page for details:

*If you have attended an IAFOR conference within the past year, or belong to an affiliated university or institution, we offer discounts in appreciation of your support.

*See the full schedule of our conferences in Japan, Dubai, Hawaii, Barcelona and the UK on our website.

***The 2017 conference theme

The IICEDubai2017 conference theme is “Educating for Change”. Why are we in teaching and learning if not to be able to help enrich the lives of our students? Educational institutions at all levels, and of all types, should continue to strive for social change in today’s world. Beyond the seeming simplicity of our conference theme, however, is great scope for wide-ranging responses to just how we go about educating for change by examining the inherent challenges and responsibilities faced by educators the world over.

Education, too frequently, is the victim of politics, and worse, sometimes ideologies. Politicians and bureaucrats devise and implement policies to effect change ranging from curriculum structure and goals to manipulating budgets on behalf of interest groups and their lobbyists. Questions relating to accountability, transparent governance and community relations are too frequently avoided.

Within the classroom itself, bridging the gap between policy, theory, and practice, whether traditional or virtual, teachers and professors de facto become, at varying levels, agents for change. Beyond providing students with resources for study in given fields, they also support them by often being seen as acting not merely as mentors, but also as role models.

These issues are part of the global transformation affecting all human civilization. How can we as teachers function effectively in a very uncertain environment? How do we help to equip our students with the intellectual and existential tools they require? How do we narrow the gap between theory and practice? How do we make decisions about curriculum and course context in the face of political pressure and social norms? What is the role of interdisciplinary studies in educating for change? And, at the macro level, how can we stimulate awareness of issues such as education assisting the promotion of social justice?

This conference, part of IAFOR’s global conference series on education, in its broadest sense brings together teachers, researchers and distinguished professors from around the world to share their insights. The goal is to broaden awareness of different contexts in the pursuit of synergies and solutions. We look forward to your active participation in this vital field of future-oriented academic activity of The International Academic Forum.

In conjunction with our global partners we look forward to extending a warm welcome to you in 2017.

***2017 Conference Chairs and Keynote Speakers

Professor Donald E. Hall
2017 Keynote Speaker
Lehigh University, USA

Dr. Christine Coombe
2017 Conference Co-Chair
Dubai Men’s College, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Professor Said M. Faiq
2017 Conference Co-Chair
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Sufian Abu-Rmaileh
2017 Conference Co-Chair
UAE University, United Arab Emirates

Professor Sue Jackson
2017 Conference Program Advisor
Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Professor Stuart Picken
2017 Conference Co-Chair
Chairman of the IAFOR IAB

***About IAFOR and its events

IAFOR welcomes thousands of academics to our conferences each year, which range in size from around 100 to in excess of 500 attendees. They do so because of the supportive and nurturing research environment, because of the unique networking opportunities, and because of the strength of the organization’s platform.

Our conferences are meticulously planned and programmed under the direction of prominent academics to ensure that they offer programs of the highest level, and are also quite unique in the way in which they are supported by some of the world’s leading academic institutions, including the University of London (UK), Virginia Tech (USA), Monash University (Australia), Barcelona University (Spain), Waseda University (Japan), the National Institute of Education (Singapore), and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKSAR).

IAFOR’s credibility has enabled it to become a genuine pioneer, and has grown to be the most respected and trusted organization encouraging international, intercultural and interdisciplinary study. The organization is a formative influence in providing new research avenues and visionary development solutions necessary in our rapidly emerging globalized world.

We welcome you to engage in this expanding global academic community of individuals and network of institutions, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events, as we break new ground, together.

To learn more about IAFOR -

******IAFOR’s Education Conferences

IAFOR has several annual Conferences on Education, exploring common themes in different ways to develop a shared research agenda which develops interdisciplinary discussion, heightens intercultural awareness and promotes international exchange.

To learn more about them, please visit the education conference page:


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