Conference on the Global Status of Women and Girls

Conference on the Global Status of Women and Girls
March 3-5, 2016
Newport News, Virginia, United States of America

Christopher Newport University To Host International Conference on the Global Status of Women and Girls

Christopher Newport University’s College of Arts and Humanities will present a “Global Status of Women and Girls” conference, March 3-5, 2016. This international, interdisciplinary conference seeks to foster inquiries into the complex and multifocal issues faced by women and girls around the world, both historically and today, seeking not only to clarify key questions that must be asked in this vital area of public policy but also to unearth the forces that created these current dilemmas. The conference keynote speaker is Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist Sheryl Wu Dunn.The conference will also feature a screening of the film He Named Me Malala, an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai.

Christopher Newport University invites scholars from all academic disciplines to submit proposals addressing the political, social, economic, psychological, developmental, educational, literary, artistic, philosophical, religious, ethical and health issues of women and girls. Submissions from any academic discipline – including but not limited to history, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, psychology, chemistry, environmental science, medicine, biomedical ethics, economics, political science, gender studies, communication studies and literature – are welcome.

Professionals in both academic and nonacademic settings are encouraged to submit proposals. Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to: the feminization of poverty; wage inequality; women in the workplace; child marriage; war and women; human trafficking; environmental change and the economic status of women; religion and the status of women; girls and education; sexual assault/rape; and disability and accessibility, among others.

Abstracts of 350-500 words may be submitted by November 1, 2015. All submissions will be peer reviewed, and those accepted will be notified no later than January 1, 2016. The top 25 papers will be included in a peer-reviewed proceedings publication.

Additional information regarding the Global Status of Women and Girls conference can be found at

Inquiries: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید


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