33rd International Business Research Conference


33rd International Business Research Conference

DATES: 4 – 5 January 2016

VENUE: Flora Grand Hotel, Dubai, UAE

*** Submission Deadline: 20 November 2015

Registration Deadline: 11 December 2015

Website: www.dubaiworldconfo.com

Email: آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید

Full-length papers, research-in-progress papers, case studies and /or abstracts, relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Business Law, Finance, Economics, Investment, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, E-Commerce, Business Ethics, Business Education, Econometrics, Entrepreneurship and Global World Economic and Financial Crisis are invited for the above 3-day international conference which was previously attended by delegates from over 40 countries. This conference is organised by World Business Institute, Australia, American Research & Publications International, USA and London Academic Research and Publication and International, UK and five peer reviewed journals indexed by Australian Business Deans Council and Cabell’s Directory of USA.


Please send full papers and/or abstracts by 20 November 2015 (please note you can submit papers any time before this deadline) via email address آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید . All abstract and/or full papers must be prepared as per guidelines (see the link in the left-hade side). Please include the paper title, the name of author(s) and affiliation of the corresponding author, email address and the field/track of research in the paper itself. Papers which do not contain these information will not be considered for this conference. If you want to publish your paper in our journal, you must send us full paper. Time taken to inform the review outcome is about 5 days for abstract and 10 days for full papers. Authors needing long time for funding approval must send at least their abstract at least 2 months before the submission deadline.

Publication Opportunities and Best Paper Award:

Conference Proceedings:

As per choice of the authors, abstract and/or full papers will be published by the World Business Institute in the refereed conference proceedings with ISBN and will be published electronically via a dedicated website, namely www.wbiworldconpro.com, which will be linked to Google Scholar.

Best Paper Award and Publication in International Journals:

Best paper award will be announced after the conference via email and these papers will be published without any fee in peer reviewed and ranked international journals: Journal of Business and Policy Research, Global Economy and Finance Journal, Global Review of Accounting and Finance and Journal of Accounting, Finance and Economics subject to compliance to editorial policy of the respective journal. These ranked journalsnare indexed by Cabell’s Directory of USA, ERA and ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council). In addition, outstanding papers will also be considered for publication in the above journals and other Cabell’s listed journal subject to payment of paper processing fee and compliance to editorial review report that would be sent after the conference. Please note, we do not follow “pay and publish” policy.

Written Feedback, Conference Materials, Feedings and Registration fees:

In the past, hundreds of authors attended our conferences in Dubai since we provide them written feedback on the papers presented which is rarely provided by other conference organizers. There are several options for conference registration fees. The basic registration fee is US$375 for two days and it includes arrival, morning and after-noon break-foods, mouth-watering buffet lunch, conference bag, hard copy of the proceedings in each track via USB/pen-drive, conference program books and participation certificates. Please see the registration fee schedule. If you join the WBI as its Fellow or Associate Fellow, you will receive 5% discount. Please download the Fellowship form, complete it and send it to us to receive 5% discount for all of our conferences worldwide.

If you have any questions, please direct it to Ms. Nuha Jahan, Conference Administrator via آدرس ایمیل جهت جلوگیری از رباتهای هرزنامه محافظت شده اند، جهت مشاهده آنها شما نیاز به فعال ساختن جاوا اسكریپت دارید


Last date for submitting abstracts or Full paper: 20 November 2015
Last date for full paper for proceedings and/or for Journal consideration: 11 December 2015
Last date for registration: 11 December 2015


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