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ANU International Chancellor's Scholarship 2023-24 in Australia

ANU International Chancellor's Scholarship 2023-24 in Australia

Applications are invited to apply for the ANU International Chancellor’s Scholarship 2023-24 in Australia. All International Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for the ANU International Scholarship at Australian National University. Students those who want to Pursue their Bachelors, Master and PhD coursework degree programs offered by the University The award is available for intake of September 2024.

200 scholarships are offered by Australian National University for students from all over the world. This award is designed to support talented and ambitious students financially. ANU will provide an amount of up to $25,000/Year toward tuition fee.

The Australian National University (ANU) was founded in 1946 by Australian Parliament. It is a national research university. ANU is the one of the best Research institutions in the world. According to QS World University Ranking ANU was ranked 1st in Australia and 49th in the world.

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